41|Fight For Her

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It was family night at the Bowman household and since I was practically part of the family I of course was in attendance.

Danielle and I arrive at 5 sharp with food in hand. It was pot luck and game night so I'm sure they could use the green bean casserole and pies we brought to feed the masses.

We set the food on the counter and head into the living room. She goes to sit next to her dad and I let them catch up for a little. It's been weird since he kind of was brought back to life around Christmas, but all she wanted was her dad back. He was getting help but he was still afraid to be involved in her life because he feels like he's going to mess it up. I mean, I get it. It's a sticky situation and he is doing what he feels is best for her. But she misses him so much, she just wants him to be there for her and I don't think I can handle whatever would happen if he was to let her down again.

After we all get settled in Stan brings out a new game and we all kind of questionably look around.

"Headbands... what's that" Danny asks.

"It's fun, I promise. Everyone puts a headband on their head and a card. We give hints as to what it is without saying the word. Then you have to guess what it is" he explains.

"Ohhh I'm so gonna kick everyone's butt" Suzanne claims and we all laugh.

We play that for hours laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. At one point Scotty was a hockey stick and he didn't figure it out in time. I should be concerned about that, but I wasn't.

Finally it was time to eat and we make our plates before sitting in the living room where we see fit. Most of us sat on the floor, some on the couches and some brought in chairs. But I always eat with Will and Cam so they aren't alone and everyone kind of joins in.

"Guess what" Will starts as he moves some corn around his plate.

"What is it buddy" I ask.

"I'm going to be in hockey next year" he exclaims excitedly.

"Really! No way" I smile.

"Yes way! And I'm going to be really good just like you" he claims.

"Should I be worried about you taking my spot" I joke.

"Not yet" he shrugs and I laugh. How great would it be if he played for his dads team. That would be so cool.

After dinner Danny and Suzanne either hide in the kitchen from all of the boys or get dessert out. But I think it's the first one. So us boys chill in the living room just talking about whatever.

"Hey son, can I talk to you privately" Danny's dad David asks.

"Ummm sure" I say slowly.

"It's nothing bad I promise, walk with me" he says and I nod. We grab our coats and walk out the front door and head around the neighborhood. It was early February and still cold but we were bundled up really nicely.

"Are you going to yell at me for dating your daughter" I ask.

"No... unless there's a reason I should be yelling at you..." he trails off.

"No no, no reason" I assure him. He crutches slowly beside me as I just stare at the ground.

"I wanted to ask how Danny is doing" he claims.

"How she's doing" I reiterate.

"Yeah, with all of... well you know" he sighs.

"She's been taking it pretty hard, she's pretty emotional and doesn't like expressing it so she's been struggling. Usually she just writes and lets me read it later. But she's getting better with talking, realizing what she's feeling instead of just ignoring it" I explain.

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