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"101.9" Danny announces taking the thermometer out of my mouth. She caresses my cheek before sighing while getting off the bed and packing away all the health care things she had out.

This morning I woke up with what I thought was a cold but I'm leery sure it's the flu. Or the plague. We went to the doctors and they gave me antibiotics but they haven't kicked in yet and I was feeling it.

"Make me feel better" I moan and she laughs.

"If you want me to kiss you right now you're out of your mind" she claims.

"On the cheek" I insist and she rolls her eyes but eventually leans down. Right before her lips hits my cheek I turn so cheek kisses my lips.

"Patrick! You're going to get me sick" she squeals wiping her mouth off.

"You'll be fine" I insist.

"Your fever is still there which means you're still contagious" she complains.

"Really? I didn't know that" I admit and she rolls her eyes.

She gets up to get me my medication along with more fluids and some saltine crackers to nibble on. She comes back in our room a few minutes later with a arm full of things and sets them in our bed. She crawls in the sheets with me before turning on some music.

"Here, take these two pills with a bottle of water" she says handing me two huge pills and the water.

"I want Gatorade" I pout.

"You don't need the sodium and sugar to counteract the chemicals of the medication. Gatorade supplies your muscles with sodium to prevent cramping and hydrates you when you loose a lot of sweat. Last time I checked you couldn't feel your muscles and were freezing" she reminds me.

"No one likes a know it all" I mumble before taking the pills. I open a box of crackers and nibble on them praying I won't throw up again. I snuggle further into the blankets trying to stay warm. She feels my head and lets out a long sigh.

"You're still burning up" she sighs.

"I'm tired" I admit.

"Go to sleep" she encourages.

"Can you sing me a song" I ask and she freezes. She looks down at me as I give her some puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please... it'll make me feel better" I say sticking my bottom lip out.

"Fine" she groans and I smile. She plays a instrumental off her phone and pulls me into her chest. The piano starts and I close my eyes. I stuff my face in her chest as she softly sings.

"It's undeniable
That we should be together
It's unbelievable
How I used to say
That I'd fall never
The basis is need to know
If you don't know
Just how I feel
Then let me show you now
That I'm for real
If all things in time
Time will reveal."

My breathing evens out a little as her soft voice passes my ears. Everything that was tense calms as I feel her chest vibrate on my cheek as she sings. It was so effortless yet so flawless.

You're like a dream come true
Just want to be with you
And it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one."

I fight off sleep as I don't want to miss a single second of this. I know she won't sing a lot and it was awesome that she was. I really enjoyed her voice and I wish I could play it over and over for the rest of my time. It wasn't just what she was saying but how she was saying it. It was so incredible.

"It's so incredible
The way things work themselves out
And all emotional
Once you know what it's all about, hey
And undesirable
For us to be apart
I never would have made it very far
'Cause you know you've got the keys to my heart

You're like a dream come true
Just want to be with you
And it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one."

I slowly open my eyes and see her eyes were closed too. Her nose scrunched whenever her voice went higher and her eyebrows furrow whenever she had to sing lower. I watch her lips as each word passes them, like the feeling of silk right out of the laundry. Her voice so smooth and strong I wasn't sure what to think besides wow.

"Say farewell to the dark of night
I see the coming of the sun
I feel like a little child
Whose life has just begun
You came and breathed new life
Into this lonely heart of mine
You threw out of the lifeline
Just in the nick of time

You're like a dream come true
Just want to be with you
And it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me
And four
Repeat steps one through three
Make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one."

The piano fades out and she finally opens her eyes. She looks down as I continue to stare up at her.

"You're really cute when you sing" I say and she starts to blush.

"Thank you" she says softly.

"Was that a original" I ask and she laughs.

"That was a Brian McKnight song" she explains. One of these days I'll get it right.

"Well it was beautiful. Like everything you do your singing is incredible" I say closing my eyes again.

"That's very sweet of you to say" she claims. She kisses my forehead as I fight off sleep.

"Go to bed Patrick" she insists.

"I can't" I mumble.

"Why not" she wonders.

"Because I want to be with you" I claim.

"I'm right here" she says.

"No... I mean I want to talk to you. Listen to you tell me that you love me and that we're always going to be together" I say.

"It's true. I do love you and I will always love you. Forever" she says running her fingers through my hair.

"Forever" I whisper before drifting off.

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