22| Keep Your Head Up

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"My sisters are really excited to see you again" Patrick mentions as we walk through downtown Chicago. Since he was dragging me to the awards show I was dragging him to help me pick out a dress for it. Suzanne offered to help but I honestly wanted to see what Patrick would pick out.

"Really? I feel like I haven't seen them in forever. I miss them" I admit.

Patrick was the only boy in a family of six. So his mom Donna and dad Patrick Sr had him first, then his sisters Erica, Jessica, and Jaqueline. The Kane family is very much like the Bowman family. A big name and very close together. A lot like us they love hockey, they love being a family, and they love Patrick.

When they come out to visit I hang out with his sisters a lot. Since I don't physically go to school there isn't a lot of people I hang out with around here that isn't related to the Hawks so when they come out I'm always excited to see them. They're kind of amazing, just like him. I don't have a lot of lady friends and now I have three of them. Erica is brilliant and going to college for photography. She's a cute little blonde and loves to mess with her brother. They were pretty close in age and it was pretty obvious with how competitive they get about everything. Jessica is the middle girl, super sweet and super shy. I get it though, I'm the same way when I'm not talking about hockey. I relate to her the most. And Jackie is the baby and is just like her brother. Just this fun fireball that loves to talk. And I love to listen. They're a good bunch of kids and his parents get all the credit. They're incredibly intelligent and a strong group of people and I love them. I text his sisters at games here and there but I haven't seen them since the beginning of the year.

Patrick and his sisters are very close. They are protective over him as he is over them. I had a lot of tests to pass to see if I'm worthy to even be friends with Patrick and I got through it. Now I'm afraid I won't be able to get them to leave me alone, not that I would ever want that.

We continue to walk around and browse dresses and I start to realize this was more fun for him than for me because I really did need a dress and he wasn't being serious. But that's one of the things I love about him and I hope he never changes.

"What about this dress" Patrick asks holding up a article of clothing I would barley call a dress. There's not enough material there to be a dress.

"You're joking" I pout.

"Nope" he smiles.

"If you plan on playing hockey here next season you better put that back" I threaten and he laughs. He puts it back and we keep looking.

"We should get you a blue dress since it's your favorite color" he insists.

"How did you know that was my favorite color" I ask. It isn't that hard to find out but I've never told him that directly.

"Because you hide your journal under your pillow and that's so predictable" he smirks.

"Were you snooping through my stuff" I nearly yell.

"Calm down, I was looking for your game notes and picked up the wrong note book. The first page is the get to know you page and I read that but that's all, I promise" he claims.

"Good" I nod.

"I just have one question. Is Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion really your favorite song" he asks with a laugh.

"It's a guilty pleasure" I pout.

"Just wondering" he claims.

We look around some more but end up messing around most of the time. Patrick picks up a dress and I wonder what joke he picked out this time. Can't be much worse than the cheetah print one.

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