69| Never Again

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"You know, I used to think no one could be more stupid than you, but you really outdid yourself" Jonny says as he hands me a water bottle.

I'm not sure what all happened or how I ended up at his place but here I am. It was early in the morning and I should have been asleep, but I couldn't sleep for some reason.

"And why is that" I ask.

"How much do you remember from last night" he asks.

"I pretty much only remember winning the Stanley cup" I admit and he laughs.

"Well after that we flew to back Chicago and went straight to the bar. There you drank yourself into submission" he tells me.

"I got that" I say rubbing my head.

"Then you asked Danny to dance and when she said no you found the nearest piece of ass and danced really disgustingly right in front of her face" he explains and my eyes go big.

"I didn't" I groan.

"Oh, it gets worse" he says slamming his hands down on the table. He went from being judgmental to being mad really fast. I hate when he did that. "Then Danny came over and kindly told the girl you were engaged. The puck slut went off and then Danny asked why you were trying to hurt her. A few seconds later you told her you wished you weren't engaged and that being with her is more of a problem than it is a solution" he nearly yells. Man he was mad.

"I wouldn't say that" I defend.

"Look in your pocket" he demands and I feel around. I feel something in my back one and pull it out. There sat Danny's moms ring in my hand and I felt like my whole world came crashing down.

"Holy shit" I gasp.

"Holy shit is right. Your drunk ass made her break up with you" he says.

"No no no this can't be right. I couldn't have said those things" I defend.

"You did. In front of everyone. In front the of the team, the families, the fans, and the media. They ate it up because they were waiting for someone to mess up. And just like Danny warns you every time you drink you fucked up. Now your putting your name on the line and hers too, and that's not right. She's getting heat for your poor judgment and quite honestly I want to break up with you too" he says.

"Where is she" I ask.

"The hell if I know" he shrugs.

"Oh god I gotta fix this" I groan.

"Good luck with that."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"That means people make mistakes and they're forgiven for them. But you're already down two strikes after what happened on New Years and this, you're walking on dangerous grounds."

"Then how do I fix this?"

"I don't know Patrick... you better hope Danny needs you as much as you need her" he says.

I rush over to Sharpys house and she wasn't there. I run home and she wasn't there either. My family asks where Danny was and I didn't have it in my heart to tell them what happened. Honestly I feel like they would all beat my ass if I don't fix this and fix it now. I go to Stans house and she wasn't there either. I try calling and texting her but she never does answer.

I go to the last place I know she would have been and found her there. I set a bouquet of flowers on her moms grave and sit down next to her. She continues to stare at the headstone of her mom just silently crying. I don't say anything because like Jon said I was on my last strike and didn't need to dig myself in a bigger hole but listening to her cry was tearing me up inside. I did this to her and I didn't know how to fix it.

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