68| But I Need Him Too

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As soon as we get back to Chicago the partying starts. The Hawks rent out a bar downtown where friends and family are invited to let loose for the first time since September. There was a lot of celebrating to do, 49 years worth of it to be exact, and it was bound to be a great time. I take a beer to celebrate but switch to water immediately after it.

I sit with Elina and Abbey since I was closest with them while the boys were out drinking out of the cup and taking pictures. Since Patrick's sisters were all under 21 Patrick's family went to our house for the night. So it was just me and the girls for the foreseeable future.

"Man... that game was wild" Elina admits.

"I know right? I had about a million heart attacks" I shake my head.

"I'm glad it's over, we can finally stop talking about a drought and they can just play hockey" Abbey admits.

"That's true. It's going to be a short summer but it'll be a sweet one. Any ideas about what you're going to do with the cup" I wonder.

"We'll probably just take it home, take it to the lake" Abbey shrugs.

"Nik will want to take it home too. Probably eat out of it and show his dad. He's going to be so excited" Elina smiles.

Even though the boys are the ones who play the whole family gets so involved in hockey. It's hard to have a relationship and play but these were some pretty great guys, they'll make it work.

"Hey sexy thing... lets dance" Patrick insists obviously really drunk. It bothers me when he drinks so much but he kinda just won the team a cup so I wasn't going to bitch about it. Almost everyone here was drunk behind belief.

"No thank you sweetie" I say and he starts to pout.

"But I want to dance" he whines.

"And I dont" I say. I was tired and my feet hurt from the heels I had to wear, I was in no mood for a dance.

"Fine... I'll dance with someone else" he says and I raise my eyebrows.

"Excuse me" I ask.

"If you won't dance with me I will find someone who will" he says matching my stare. "Like her" he claims walking away and my heart rate picks up.

"Oh no he doesn't" Abbey says getting up to chase after him but I pull her down.

"I'll handle this" I say and she frowns.

"No fence but you're too nice, you're just going to take him home and forgive him" she claims.

"What am I supposed to do... let him make a huge mistake knowing I let him do it" I ask.

"He has to learn somehow" she claims.

I look over and see him take a little blonde girl in his hands and my heart breaks. He pulls her to the dance floor as she starts to grind on him. He had a huge smile on his face the whole time and I hated it. I hated it so much. She turns around and whispers something into his ear that made him happy and that made me sick.

"I don't like this" I admit.

"Honestly me either... you can go" she says and I nod. I march myself over there and stand between the two. There wasn't a lot of space there but I made some.

"Excuse me... we were dancing" the girl says and I whip my head around. I look her up and down before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, but I think you're done" I say.

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