62| The One

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As soon as we get back from Vancouver I have a appointment in a bridal shop on Michigan ave. I've been so busy with the Olympics and the Hawks and school and the wedding so I finally set a day aside to focus on just the wedding. The plan was to get all the outfits picked out today so we can be done with it. That's my dress, the bridesmaids dresses, and the guys suits and get them all measured so we don't have to worry about it.

Early in the morning Patrick and some of the guys and I pick out suits. They chose a grey suit with a burgundy shirt and a white tie and I have to admit they looked pretty sharp. The guys loved the compliments as they got to try them on and get sized so they were pretty happy with the selection too.

"Can I please stay" Patrick begs as the guys start to leave.

"No way, I'm not letting you help pick out my dress" I laugh.

"I wasn't going to pick it out, I just wanted to get excited every time I see you come out in one and remind everyone that you're looking good for me" he shrugs.

"Well I want it to be a surprise, so you're leaving" I say pushing him out the door.

"But" he pouts.

"I said no mister. Plus Max is going to need to be taken out" I say and he huffs. As he leaves my girls come in and it was time to get started.

We all look around the large store and figure out what we would like to try on or not like. The wedding was going to be big and extravagant and over the top so I felt like the dress should be too. Nothing too much, it should still be elegant, but big.

With me looking at the wedding dresses today was Patrick's mom and Elina and Abbey. Along with the girls I also had my dad with me, he hated shopping but since my mom isn't here he feels like he should be here and I couldn't tell him no. Plus I know that if he approves of the dress it's the right one.

After picking out a few different ones I get stuffed in a dressing room with Abbey and she helps me get into the dresses.

The first one I try on is a mermaid style with ruffles at the bottom. It was big but really not my style. I liked how it looked but I was not going to get married in this.

"Wow, you have a great figure. I'm actually so jealous" Abbey says and I blush.

"Thank you. But this dress is not it" I admit.

"It's not, but you still look beautiful" Abbey claims.

I go out and show everyone and they agree this was not it. It was pretty but doesn't work with what we were looking for. We go back in and Abbey helps me get in my second dress.

"Your dad doesn't say much, does he" she asks and she starts to lace up a puffy white dress. I loved the rhinestones but I felt like a flashlight in this thing.

"He's a man of few words. More of a observer if you will" I explain.

"Has he ever thought about remarrying" she wonders.

"Never. He was so hung up on my mom that he will never be able to look at another woman the same way" I admit.

"Kind of like Patrick" she says.

"Yeah, he really loves you" I smile.

"No... I mean your Patrick" she says and I turn to her.

"There's so many other girls out there better than me. If I was to... you know... he would find another girl" I insist.

"I don't believe that one bit" she says.

"Why? It's not like he had a bunch of other relationships before me, he would be able to move on" I claim.

"He wouldn't, I'm not even sure he would still be able to be a part of hockey without you. You don't see it because love is blind but that boy is obsessed with you. He tried dating someone else and he couldn't because she wasn't you. There will never be another you and he knows it. That's why he's willing to get married before he's even 22 and is already settled down. He knows that out of all of the girls in the world he feels like he was made to love you and only you. So yeah... I think that if something happened and you were apart for whatever reason that he would go through hell without you. He wouldn't be able to do the one thing he feels like he was made to do because it would all remind him of you" she says. I stand there and try to choke back tears. I felt that way but I didn't know people could see this too. Hearing it out loud made it seem so real. I was about to marry my best friend and be with him for the rest of my life.

"Thank you for your words, they mean the world to me" I sniffle.

"Come here sweetie" she says wrapping her arms around me. She rubs my back as I try to calm down.

After cleaning myself up I go out into the viewing area. This dress was a bigger hit but it still wasn't it. It was really pretty but it wasn't for this wedding. It wasn't me. My dad simply shook his head and I knew it wasn't the one.

There was one last dress to try on and I was hoping I liked it. It was on a mannequin in the window and I really loved it there. So did Patrick when we passed it on the way in. It was this beautiful white ballgown with darker lace. I get it on and before I even get tied up I start crying. It was so freaking beautiful I couldn't believe it. I could see myself getting married in this, then one day far from now I can look back and just smile. Kind of like I am now.

"Wow Dan, that's one hell of a dress for one hell of a person" she says and I sniffle

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"Wow Dan, that's one hell of a dress for one hell of a person" she says and I sniffle.

"Are you done making me cry" I ask as she sniffles too.

"Maybe" she teases. "How about we go show everyone else how beautiful you are eh" she suggests.

I walk out and hear a few gasps from my friends and family. I stand in front of them as they all stare at me.

"Holy wow... Danny you look incredible" Elina says.

"I feel amazing" I reply.

"Here, put this on" Donna says handing me the tiara Patrick gave me for Christmas. I put it on and turn to the mirror to see it all.

"I'm speechless. You look stunning" Abbey nods.

"What about you dad... why do you think" I ask. I watch him through the mirror as he slowly gets up and comes over. I turn around and he smiles big. He flips the vail over and softly touches my cheek.

"You look like the angel you are. Danny you look just as beautiful as your mother did" he says and I wipe away a tear.

"Thank you" I say softly.

"Get the dress, this is the one" he says and I nod not trusting my voice.

I turn back around and take one more good look. I was getting married, I was about to become one with my best friend for the rest of my life and I couldn't wait.

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