7| Sweetest Hands in the NHL

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I sit in the boys' room trying my best to keep them preoccupied until their mom got home, but they like to do a lot of different things and it's hard for me to keep up sometimes. But we end up in their room doing arts and crafts which kept their wandering mind focused.

"Hey Danny, can I talk to you for a second" Patrick asks peeking his head around the door and I nod. I put down the crayons I was using to color with the boys and follow him downstairs. He sits me down on his bed and I look up at him.

"I just wanted to let you know that... I have a girlfriend" he says and I freeze. I was not expecting that, or for me to be so upset about it. I felt like I wanted to cry even though I'm the one who won't let us be together. But it felt like I was punched in the face as those words pass his lips.

"That's great Patrick, I'm happy for you" I say trying to give my best smile. I wasn't sure if he was buying it but I can tell he wanted me to be happy for him and I wanted to too. But I really wasn't.

"Really? You're not upset" he asks.

"No, why would I be upset" I try.

"I don't know. I don't want things to be weird between us" he claims.

"I'll be good, no worries" I say and he squints at me.

"Okay then, we're all good here" he asks and I nod. He lets out a breath and smiles big.

"Good because I don't want to lose you. If you had a problem with it I would have ended it so quickly. As long as I get to keep my best friend I'm happy. I hope you guys will like each other. I really do" he claims. He seemed really excited and that's why I wanted to try and make this work.

But I really didn't like this, not in the least, but I was going to do it for him. He was my best friend and I wanted him to be happy. Even if it wasn't me who was going to make him happy.

We sit around for a little talking about anything but his girlfriend and eventually the doorbell rings.

"Oh she's here" he smiles hopping up from the couch and my heart falls.

"Horray" I say sarcastically and trail him up the stairs. He invites her in and brings her in front of me. We look each other over and she gives me one of those "Danny is a girl" looks. I get that a lot.

"Danielle this is Amber. Amber this is Danny" he introduces.

"Danny? I thought your best friend was a guy" she says a bit surprised. Whoop there it is. But she didn't seem too happy.

"Nope. I'm defiantly a girl. I do get that a lot though" I admit shaking her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you" I say.

"Thanks, you too" she say a little less sure of herself. She looks me over again and I had this feeling she doesn't like me around her boyfriend. What a coincidence because I didn't like her around my best friend.

Patrick introduces her to the rest of us before he takes off for their date. They go to see some movie and I go up to my room to study.

I finish up my homework and finish studying so I sit at my desk and write poetry. It helps me clear my mind and I had a lot to think about. After a little while there's a knock on my door and Suzanne comes in.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you doing" she asks sitting on my bed.

"I'm good" I mumble.

"Please come talk to me. I have two sons and the only thing they're worried about is who's the good guy and bad guy when they play in their own little world. I would love to help you" she insists.

"Help me with what" I wonder.

"With Patrick" she says and I stop tapping my pencil on my paper.

"What about him" I ask.

"That he's dating another girl" she claims.

"Why should that be a problem?"

"Because you like him Danny, I know you do."

"Maybe so, but I can't be with him. He's this amazing talented five star professional athlete. The ones my uncle warns me about. Being a hockey player is hard. You're gone a lot, it's easy to become disconnected and don't even get me started on the cheating. I've seen it all since I started helping my uncle. I can't go through that. My heart can't handle another drop."

"Patrick has the sweetest hands in the NHL. He would never drop your heart."

"I can't know that for sure. It's hanging from a string every time my dad is away because there's always a good chance he's not coming back. It dropped when my mom passed. I'm scared to let go because what if I can't get it back?"

"I know you're scared honey, but we're all here for you. No matter what Cam and Will are going to be here to pick you up. They hate when you're down. And I hate seeing you like this too. I know you're hurting."

"Thanks for your concern Aunt Suzy, but it's not like we could be together anyway. He found someone else."

"Only because you told him he couldn't have you."

"I'm not ready for that type of relationship. I care about him so much already, I couldn't imagine what it would be like if we were actually together."

"You never know until you try" she says. I sit on the bed next to her and she wraps her arms round me. I fight back tears as we just sit there.

"Danny I know you're scared. I know you think you're going to get your heart broken. I know you're scared to lose another person you cared about. But even with you being without Patrick you're still sitting here crying, can that be worse than what could happen if you were with him and he hurt you" she asks.

"Probably not" I admit.

"Then don't deny him" she encourages.

"He's with someone else. I'm not going to break them up because I might have strong feelings for him. Obviously he's happy with her and I'm going to have to live with that" I sigh.

"I guess so. But I know for a fact he still likes you too" she says.

"That doesn't really help" I giggle and I feel her chest vibrate as she laughs.

"I guess not" she admits.

Eventually she goes off to be with Stan and I go downstairs to keep my mind preoccupied. I find a book and cuddle up in the corner of the living room.

Patrick comes home pretty late and heads straight to the kitchen. He goes into his room without saying and word and I frown. That was weird.

I go downstairs and find him sitting on the couch just staring at a blank screen. We might not be together but I care for him as if we were and I don't like this vibe he's giving off.

"Hey Pat, are you okay" I ask.

"Huh? Oh yeah" he replies a bit jumpy. I sit next to him and he stares at me.

"How was you date" I ask and he looks at me weird.

"It was fun I guess. We saw Spider Man and got ice cream after" he says slowly.

"So, do you like her" I wonder.

"I mean... yeah. She's pretty cool" he stutters.

"You don't have to walk on glass around me. If she makes you happy you can tell me. I still care about you not matter where you are or who you're with" I explain and he sighs.

"I know, I know. It's just weird for me" he claims.

"Why though" I wonder.

"Because the feeling I have I don't feel like they're for her. It's weird. I can't explain it. It just is" he says. The room falls silent and I decide to give him time.

"Alright, I guess I'll go. Just wanted to say goodnight" I say and he smiles.

"Goodnight Danny" he says.

"Goodnight, Patrick."

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