73| Get Away

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After the magical fairy tale wedding we fly out to Caribbean to vacation on a little island called St. Lucia. It was a long flight from Chicago and the wedding ended about twenty hours ago but I was more than excited for this new adventure. I've always wanted to travel and now I get to do it with my best friend who is also my husband. The honeymoon wouldn't last long with the season starting soon but it was more with what we do with the time give to us than the amount of time given to us.

We get to the jade mountain resort and honestly I was speechless. This place is so incredible.

The hotel room has its own pool that over looks the mountains and the ocean, it was incredible really. Everything was a arms reach away and I couldn't believe we were actually here. That places like this even exist and that I'm lucky enough to see them.

I walk out to the little porch area and do a little 360 making sure I didn't miss a moment of this. I let out a long sigh as a smile forms on my lips.

"So... did I do good or did I do good" Patrick asks and I laugh.

"No no, you did good" I joke. He joins me by my side as we look out over the small island. You can see it end from end, mountain to sea, and it was all beautiful.

"Can you imagine being on this island all the time? I fell like my problems are so small here" I admit

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"Can you imagine being on this island all the time? I fell like my problems are so small here" I admit.

"I don't care where I am, as long as I'm with you" he whispers in my ear. I stand there in his embrace before I decide it was time to swim in this pool. We didn't have anything scheduled for today so we were just going to order room service and chill out.

I change into my new bikini and grab a towel before heading outside. I see Patrick already out there relaxing, eyes closed and all, looking so peaceful. A little too peaceful if you ask me.

I set my things down and start to play some classical music before standing up on the ledge of the pool.

"Hey Patrick" I say.

"Yeah baby" he replies.

"Catch me" I say and he opens his eyes in confusion. I jump in the water and right into his lap. He easily catches me but not before getting splashed with water.

"Oh you're so lucky I love you" he chuckles running his fingers through his hair.

"I always feel lucky that you love me" I say and he smiles.

"You always know what to say" he claims.

"Thanks for always listening" I say. We sit there and listen to the music play in the background. I rest my head on his shoulder as he runs his hand through my hair.

"I love you so much" he mumbles nearly half asleep in the pool.

"I love you too" I reply softly.

The next day we get up before the sun does. We get in our rental car and drive to the black sands beach. With the help of a flashlight we find the shore and set our blanket on top of the sand. I cuddle into his chest as the sun starts to rise over the horizon.

We sit there silently, neither of us saying a word. All I hear is his heart beating and the waves crashing against the shore. The sky turns a purple/ pink color and reflects on the water that is met with the black sands. It was really a sight to see.

"Wow" I gasp and I see Patrick turn to me. He pulls my chin so I was looking at him as his lips turn into a smile. "What" I ask.

"Nothing" he claims.

"Seriously Patrick, what are you thinking" I ask.

"I don't know, hockey season starts as soon as we get back and for the first time in my life I don't want it to. I kinda just want to run off to somewhere where every morning I can watch you watch the sunrise and not be bothered by someone. Sometimes I just want to get away from it all so it's just you and me... you know" he sighs.

"Yeah, I do know. I know exactly what you're talking about. You feel like you're stuck in a life that's a dream but quickly becomes a nightmare when you realize how much control of it you really have. You see what they say in the papers and online and you really start to question if they're right. You know they're not but if you hear something enough times then maybe it's true. You feel like our relationship is more than just us. That every mistake you make is exposed and amplified just because of who you are. That you're not allowed to think a certain way because people won't approve of it. I know what you mean, I've been around it all my life. I've watched it happen, it's happened to me countless times and it sucks.

But I don't care because I have the one thing I've always wanted, and that's someone to be there for me no matter what. I know that if you're at a game and I need you that you'll find me. I know that if you're away at a game and I'm stuck at home you're still thinking of me. I feel it. And I'm still thinking of you too. That's how we're going to get through all this. We can't run away forever, although this is nice. But when we get back people are going to be asking what happened here and all we have to say is that we fell in love all over again" I insist.

"I'm still absolutely and completely intrigued by you. Please never change" he says.

"I can't change. Although I am a Kane now" I smile.

"Yeah, my dads excited about that. He and your grandpa exchanged numbers at the wedding. He almost cried he was so excited" he says.

"Does this mean he's going to stop texting me after each game asking what your corsi is... because I actually enjoyed that" I admit.

"No, he'll probably still text you" he assures me and I smile.

"How do you think max is doing back home with the boys" I ask.

"He's probably having the time of his life. As long as he doesn't get a girl pregnant he will be fine. That's kind of like what Stan told me before we left" he says and I nearly choke.

"He didn't" I groan.

"He did. Then your dad told me not to come back until I get you pregnant. Your family is kind of weird" he laughs.

"I am so sorry. I don't even know what to say" I admit.

"I thought it was funny" he shrugs.

"I'm sure you did" I smile.

"And what does that mean" he challenges.

"That you suck" I say and he narrows his eyes brows.

"You're mean" he pouts.

"Awww baby come here" I say wrapping my arms around him. I kiss his face all over and that smile comes back.

"Okay okay I forgive" he chuckles. I places a long kiss on his lips and he pulls me closer.

And for the first time in my whole life I knew I was right where I was supposed to be.

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