31| Show Me

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Living with Patrick has actually been pretty great. The reason I wanted to move was because I felt like I needed a fresh start. Somewhere where I wouldn't be held back by memories. I felt like that house was holding me down. Everywhere I look remember that my mom and dad was gone. That Stan was still really sick and there was nothing I could do about it.

But this place has a view of the whole city, a new perspective so I can finally move on. I can stop surrounding myself with bricks to protect myself from getting hurt and see this city for how beautiful it is. Knock my walls down and finally see how great life could be if I let it.

Patrick was at morning skate right now and I stayed back to finish some homework so I was alone for a little. It felt weird to have so much space to myself but it gave me a opportunity for my mind to grow so I enjoyed it. Although it was a little too quiet without Patrick here.

After a few hours of studying I decide to take a shower, comb through my hair and shave for once.

After I get out the shower I change into my favorite Victoria secret bra and panty set that was black with white lace. I don't have a lot of stuff like it but it makes feel good on the inside and look good in the outside. It's nice to treat yourself once in a while and this was my treat. I blow dry my hair straight and put some product in it so it's shiny. I leave it down so I doesn't break it and decide I was done with the bathroom.

I throw my things in the laundry and some of Patrick things then remember I had coffee going in the kitchen from earlier and I still wanted some. I walk out of our room then into the kitchen.

"Do you always walk around like this... if so I would have asked to move a lot sooner than I did" someone says and I see Patrick sitting on the couch. He was all fresh from practice just reading though the paper. I look down and see that I'm still in my underwear and try to cover up but that doesn't really help anything. There was a lot of skin my small arms wouldn't be able to cover.

"Ummm" I blush and he gets up. He take my hands in his and places them around his neck. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer.

"I don't know if you know this, but you're incredibly beautiful. Your mind and your heart and your soul is what sets you apart from the others, still no one can deny you're physically beautiful too. Your kind eyes always finding what needs to be found. Your soft touch letting people know that you're there for them. You're stunning smile so welcoming and contagious. Your hair always so beautiful. And your body... it's nothing to be ashamed of. Quite the opposite honestly. You're amazing inside and out and I wish there was a way I could show it to you" he claims.

"Show me" I whisper and he raises his eyebrow. I bite my lip and he finally connects the dots. He rests his hands on my butt before swiftly picking me up and I wrap my legs around him his waist. He starts to kiss my lips before moving to my jaw then my neck. My fingers get tangled in his hair as his lips lightly suck on my skin. I feel his tongue graze my skin and his grip on my butt gets harder. I close my eyes as his lips continue to search my exposed skin giving me chills all over. He gets to my chest and let out a little gasp.

He takes us to our room before laying me down on my back on the bed. He crawls on top breathing so heavily just looking me over. I never felt pretty until he looked at me and he was really letting me have it right now.

He laces his fingers through mine and pins my hands above my head. He drags his tongue from my chest up to my lips making sure he doesn't separate for a second. He lets go of my hands and I go to take my bra off but he puts my hands back up there.

"Let me show you how beautiful you are" he whispers and I nod. I leave my hands there as his runs from my wrists all the way down my side. He easily lifts me up and undoes my bra in the back in one swift motion. He slides it off and onto the floor before laying me back down. He smiles big and I couldn't help but do it back, I felt a tad bit uncomfortable but I wanted to this. I wanted this so bad.

"You are seriously so beautiful" he mumbles against my exposed skin before going back to kissing me again. I bite my tongue to keep quiet but it doesn't really help much.

"Patrick" I moan as he sucks on my skin ever so delicately. He leaves a trail of kisses from my chest down to my waist line as my eyes roll onto the back of my head. He ever so slowly slides my underwear off and spreads my legs. He touches the inside of my thigh and I flinch a little.

"Are you a... you know" he asks running his hands up and down my legs. I nod and he smiles big. "I got you, I promise. I won't hurt you" he claims.

"I trust you" I say. He sheds his clothes and tosses them to the floor before returning to my side. He rolls over and pulls me on top of him so I was straddling his waist. I rest my hands on his bare chest as I stare down into his blue eyes. His eyes big and bright as they stare back at me, never missing a inch of my skin. He lifts me off him a little before scooting me backwards. I let out a loud gasp and he stops. Then he slowly pushes me back and I throw my hands up by his head. He grabs my waist and guides me down before wrapping his arms around me. He lets out a groan and I snuggle my face in his neck.

"You're so amazing" he says and I try not to bite down on him. "You ready" he asks.

"I'm ready" I whisper.

That's all it took for him to show me that I was beautiful. Not just because someone like him wants to be with me. But because someone like him loves someone like me despite what people might think. He showed me that he can make me feel good just as I can make him feel good, and that means the world to me. Love has a way of taking something any two people can do and making it a hundred times better, and I was lucky to have someone who loves me the way he does and shows me the way he does.

After that was all said and done we lay in bed tangled up under the sheets. He kisses my forehead and I stay curled up in his arms. I rub his arm that held me close and look up as he just smiles at the ceiling.

"What got you cheesin" I ask.

"I was just thinking... I've waited ten months to be with you and a lot of the times I asked myself why. But I always knew that you were worth the wait. And I was right, just like how you feel like you're right about drafting me I feel right about waiting for you" he explains.

"Glad I'm didn't make everything in your life completely complicated" I giggle.

"You most certainly did" he says and I smack his chest. "but it was so worth it" he smiles down at me. Nice to know.

Better Together (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now