17| Great Player But A Better Person

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"One last thing" Suzanne says touching up my lips before clapping her hands together. I swear I've been sitting here in this chair forever, my butt hurts. "All done" she cheers spinning me around in the chair I was preoccupying. I look in the mirror and smile big. Woah.

"I look amazing, thank you so much" I say turning to my aunt.

"I barley did anything. You're naturally stunning and have admittedly perfect skin, I'm kind of jealous. I just added a smokey eye and did your lashes and lips. You did the rest" she claims and I blush.

"Well thank you, not just for this, but for everything" I say hugging her.

"Anything for you Dan. Now lets start on the hair" she cheers and I let out a loud groan. I'm never getting out of this chair, am I?

A hour later my hair was curled and the dress was on. I get my heels on and put in diamond earrings before calling it a outfit.

I make my way downstairs and Suzanne has to help me down. A smart person would have put the heels on once they arrive downstairs. But that would be too easy apparently.

I finally reach the floor and let out a sigh because I didn't die. I smooth out my dress and thank god that was over.

"Holy shit" a voice says and I look for it. I find Patrick with his mouth wide open standing in the kitchen and laugh. I could hear him breathing from here.

He was looking pretty good himself. He was in all black and his blonde curly hair all over the place. His lips pull into a smile as he walks over to me. I fix his tie and he laughs.

"Can't take you anywhere" I joke and he chuckles. "You ready for this" I ask and he nods. He just stares at me and I feel like my face turn to the color of my dress. "Will you please say something" I beg.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Because for the first time in my nineteen years of life I am quite speechless" he claims and I look away. He places a kiss on my cheek and I turn to him. He winks at me and I just shake my head.

"Lets go golden boy" I tease.

We arrive at the convention center and I was quite intimidated. Everything was super elegant and high class and I quickly felt out of place. The place was stunning with chandeliers and candles and high class name brand people. I was just a teenager who didn't play sports and wasn't married to someone who was. I wasn't interested in buying anything even though I did want to see how the veterans charity turned out.

Patrick notices my change in moods and pulls me to the side.

"Hey, I know you and I know what you're thinking. So stop. I don't know if you noticed, but you are by far the most beautiful person in here. All those girls should feel threatened by you because you're ten to twenty years younger than they are and are already on a path to be more successful than they could ever dream of. Just be yourself and the rest will fall into place" he says and I let out a breath.

"Okay" I nod. He wraps his arm around my waist and we walk back in.

We find a group to talk to and I really enjoy myself. We talk about Chicago and the people here and I finally start to calm down. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around, there stood my grandpa and my heart jumps for joy.

"Grandpa" I yell jumping in his arms.

"Wow Danny. You look so grown up" he says setting me down.

"Thanks. I'm so happy you're here. Wait, why are you here" I wonder.

"The NHL has a big part in this charity event" he explains and I nod. That's why Stan knew about it.

"Oh! Before I forget, Patrick this is my grandfather Scotty. Grandpa, this is my... date, Patrick" I say. Patrick stands there in shock as they shake hands.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you" Patrick gasps.

"You too son. I've seen a lot of talent in my years and I have to admit, you're a special one" my grandpa smiles. I thought Patrick was going to pass out right there. He idolized my grandpa and if he locks out his legs he's gone. "You wouldn't mind if I had a dance with my granddaughter, would you" he asks and Patrick just shakes his head. I've never seen him so starstruck before.

My grandpa and I head to the dance floor and we sway back and fourth.

"How are my sons doing" he asks.

"They're good. Stan is keeping up with himself and making sure his cancer doesn't come back. My dad I haven't seen since he was here last but we write all the time. He's tired but he loves what he does so I won't be in his way of his happiness" I shrug.

"You're his happiness" he says and I smile. I peek around his shoulder and see Patrick watching us with a big smile.

"Why are you really here" I ask and he laughs.

"I forget how smart you are sometimes. I'm actually in town because I wanted to talk to my son about being a part of the Blackhawks organization. I think it's about time we get a cup back in Chicago" he says and I brighten up.

"Really" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah. Rumor has it that it's becoming a family business" he says and I smile.

"Yeah, hockey runs deep" I admit.

"Stan told me how hard you fought for Patrick. And I have to say you were right. That kid has it all."

"He's amazing. I've never seen a player so electric. On the ice he is the most confident kid out there because he knows on skills alone he is the best one out there."

"I've seen a change in his game, you wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?"

"Maybe. We watch a lot of films and Stan has all your notes so we go over them."

"You two seem mighty close" he says and I blush.

"He's my best friend. He's the person I go to when I'm happy or sad, up or down. We watch hockey then play with my cousin then just hang out and love it all the same. He's a great player, but a even better person" I assure him.

"Well I can't wait to get to know him" he smiles.

He lets me go and I go back to Patrick. We dance for a few songs and his eyes never leave me. There was other people here our age but besides when I was with my grandpa he was always by my side.

"I can't get over how incredibly beautiful you are" he claims.

"I can't believe how good of a date you are" I counter.

"Hey! I can clean up nice" he defends.

"You do" I reply messing with his tie.

"So, what did your grandpa want" he wonders.

"He wants to work for the Hawks, with Stan" I explains and his eyes pop out of his head.

"No way" he cheers and I giggle at his excitement.

"Yeah, a certain player has caught his eye" I tease.

"Me? The guy who has won nine cups and has coached guys like Lemieux and Datsuk wants to come to the Hawks because of me" he asks.

"He told me I made a the right decision to keep you" I explain and smiles.

"You know... you're the best thing to ever happen to me. And I'm not just taking about hockey" he claims.

"I can say the same to you Mr. Kane" I say with a curtsy. He bows to me and I let out a giggle. Oh how I love us.

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