40| Defensive

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New Year's Eve the boys practiced out on the ice at Wrigley for the winter classic. It was a bit cold and overcast, a typical Chicago winter day really. But it was such a beautiful thing both metaphorically and physically.

The boys have been with coach q for a few months and it seems to be a great fit. He likes the young ones and how they play. The defense looks completely different and Duncs is leading the charge. The guys look good and they were feeling pretty good too. Coach Q still doesn't hold long practices so they get done pretty quickly allowing us some freedom to play around.

After practice the ice opened up to the families. I get my skates laced up and head out to warm up a few laps. My jeans and Blackhawks winter classic hoodie protecting me from the frigid air. My stocking cap keeping my black hair from whipping around the baseball field. I look around in awe as I take in where I am at. Wrigley was the longest standing baseball park, the only one where people like Roberto Clemente and Jackie Robinson played in back in the days. 95 years of history in this ball park and I get to be a part of this one. Where two hockey teams who historically hate each other meet on this history rich field in front of 40,000 passionate fans. It's amazing really.

I feel a pair of hands on my waist pushing me a bit quicker and I let out a squeal. I look down and see blonde curls and knew exactly who it was.

"Patrick" I screech.

"I got you, don't worry" he laughs. He pulls me into his hips making us spin in a circle. We come to a stop and I look up into his eyes. There's a sparkle that's always there when he looks at me and that causes me to smile.

"Guess what" he asks.

"What" I wonder.

"So you know how this is a family skate and all" he asks.

"I had an idea" I say sarcastically.

"Well there a few someones here who want to see you" he says. He turns my head and see his family there waving at us.

"No way" I yell and he laughs.

"Yes way. Pretty sure they're more excited to see you than me" he laughs.

We skate over and I get pulled into a huge hug. I feel three pairs of arms wrap around me and I smile to myself.

"Oh Danny we've missed you" one sister says say.

"Why don't you put some skates on and we can catch up" I suggest. They get laced up and we circle the ice together.

"We love your guys' place by the way. Patrick showed us pictures and I thought he got them from the website he got the apartment off of because it looked so good" Erica laughs.

"I had to fight him a little but he finally let me decorate it all nice" I explain.

"Well it looks great, and your puppy is actually perfect" Jackie claims.

"I love him so much. Patrick picked a good one" I smile.

"Well I'm happy you guys are going so great together, hopefully he'll find the balls to purpose soon" Jessica says.

"Purpose soon? We've been together for like half a year" I say.

"That ring on your finger sure does look a lot like a engagement right already" Jackie claims.

"I know... he did that on purpose so none of the guys would talk to me" I shake my head and the girls giggle.

"Yup, sounds like our brother" Erica nods.

"But for the record, I would be honored to become a Kane" I say.

"I wouldn't mind another sister... if it was you" Jessica says nudging me.

We continue to skate around and talk each other's ears off. Eventually Jonny and Patrick join us and Patrick gives me a stick.

"Okay Miss Bowman. Time to show the world what you got" he claims and I laugh.

"What am I proving and to who" I ask.

"I want to see you go three for three bar down because I did it and Jonny didn't and I want to prove that not only am I better than him, but that we are better than him" he claims.

"Cut Jon some slack" Erica says and Patrick glares at her.

"You stay away from my sister" Patrick says pointing at Jon and he just smirks. "You come be a bad ass for a second" he says pulling me behind him.

I come up to three pucks lined up across from the left and right wing dots. I look at Patrick as he watches me closely. I just shrug and start to stick handle one of the pucks. I quickly wind it up and send it bar down and in. I do it a second time then a third before turning to Patrick.

"Is that's what you wanted from me" I ask as he stands there with his mouth open. "Patrick" I sing song as he just stares at me. I wave my hand in front of his face but he doesn't flinch.

"He's just mad because you did that quicker, smoother, and better than he did" Jonny laughs.

"She did not" Patrick whines finally snapping out of it.

"Can I go now" I ask and Patrick shakes again.

"We're gonna go one on one" he claims and I roll my eyes. He grabs a stick and lines up six pucks for us.

"This is ridiculous. Why does it matter? I don't even play hockey" I pout.

"Because I don't like to be shown up, it's like you don't even know me" he teases and I roll my eyes. I'm dating a toddler.

Since he wanted to do the most the only thing I could do it match his competitiveness. So I line up across from him with a playful smirk on my lips. I smack my stick on the ground and smile at him.

"Go" Jonny screams and we start. The whole time I keep my head up looking at him. I hear the puck hit the bar then ice three times and stop. He misses the last one before turning to me looking really mad. But I thought it was quite cute.

"Again" he demands.

"Nope, I'm catching up with your sisters and you need time to repair your pride" I tease patting his chest. I find the girls and join them in skating.

"So Erica... something you want to tell me" I ask and she blushes.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she claims.

"Really? Because you sure got mighty defensive over Jonny back there" I say.

"You saw that huh" she asks.

"Yeah, so what's going on" I ask.

"I don't know. He's cute and I see him a lot since he's always with my brother. We text some but neither of us have gone past flirting" she shrugs.

"Does your brother know" I wonder.

"Nope" she shakes her head.

"Good because he would kill the both of you" I say and she smiles. "But if you like him you should say something. It's better to say something now than to watch him go off with another girl only then to realize what you want" I suggest.

"I know, it's just hard. We're so different" she claims.

"And that's what makes relationships so beautiful, overcoming those differences only to find out you were the same the whole time" I say and she smiles.

"Thanks Danny, I'm really happy to have someone like you" she claims.

"And I'm happy to have such a great someday sister like you" I smile.

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