26| Better Together

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August was a long month for me. We were so close to hockey but not quite there yet. I can almost taste it. I go to the rink and practice there with some of the coaches and the guys who came back early. But I had to admit I missed Jonny and his addiction to bossing me around and Sharpy and his stupid pranks. I missed it all and I couldn't wait until training camp next month.

Until then I was going to focus on my relationship with Danny, which was just as good as playing hockey.

Today was her birthday and we were doing a little birthday celebration. She didn't want to make a big deal about it, she hates the kind of unearned attention and apparently living another year isn't a accomplishment enough for her.

But I think she doesn't like it because she struggles with herself. She doesn't have a lot of friends because she goes to school online and the guys and their families are back home. She didn't go to a public school and spends most of her time at home or with the organization. I feel bad but at the same time, I don't. Because if it was any different then she would be different, and I wouldn't feel the same. And I don't want to change a thing.

Early this morning Cam, Will, and I make her breakfast. And when we make a huge mess and burn everything Suzanne makes her breakfast and we bring that to her instead.

Cam crawls in her bed and watches her sleep for a second. It was kind of cute until he decides it was time for something interesting to happen.

"Wake up" he yells smacking her face and I couldn't help but laugh. You couldn't even be mad at him. I grab his hand as he cocks it back again and she slowly wakes up.

"Camden Scotty Bowman... if I open my eyes and see that it was you who smacked me I'm going to bring out the tickle monster" she threatens and he starts giggling. She pops up in bed wrapping her arms around him and he lets out a squeal.

"No" he cries as she attacks him with tickles. His laughter was so freaking adorable it made you laugh too.

"You must kneel to the tickle master" she yells and he gasps for a breath.

"Okay you win" he cries and she stops. Will climbs on the bed and cuddles into her side. She kisses them each on the forehead and I fall in love all over again.

I set the food in her lap and she smiles up at me.

"You guys made me breakfast" she asks.

"We did... then we burned it and your aunt made this" I tell her and she giggles.

"At least it's the thought that counts" she smiles.

We finish up breakfast and let her get ready for the day. We help Suzanne clean up the kitchen since we were the reason it was a mess after all.

She goes out to get Danny's birthday cake and eventually Danny joins us downstairs. She had on jean shorts and a Blackhawks tank top looking as beautiful as ever. Her hair in a ponytail and fresh faced as always. I pull her into a kiss and she cups my cheeks like she always does.

"Happy birthday baby" I say and she laughs.

"A little late to be saying that don't you think" she asks.

"Better late than never" I shrug. We go into the living room and watch a movie. We watch Ratatouille because Danny insists it's what the boys wanted to watch but I'm pretty sure she picked it out.

Suzanne comes home a little after that with the cake and ice cream and I was more excited than I should have been. But I'm a professional athlete and don't get to eat this crap a lot so I was going to enjoy it damnit.

Better Together (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now