2| There's No Fun In Hockey

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I sat on my bed reading over some stuff Stan gave me to go over. The season was right around the corner and there was some things I wanted to go over to make sure that I was ready. He wanted me to work on the power play a lot and I had nothing better to do so I go through the notes over and over hoping it sticks. I make sure to really take in the highlighted parts so I have it down.

Eventually the door cracks open and I see a nice pair of long legs ascend the stairs. Danielle comes down and I shake my head of those thoughts. Stan would kill me if he knew what was just going through my head.

"Hey Patrick, Stan wanted me to give you this film to watch. I also brought you a water and some fresh fruit" she says softly showing off a tray full of stuff.

"Thank you" I say as she sets it all down.

"You're welcome" she smiles showing off a dimple. Damn... she is so hot. She starts to turn away but I finally speak up.

"Wait" I yell and she slowly turns back around. "I was wondering if, maybe, you could watch with me. Stan says you're really hockey smart and I would love to have another set of eyes" I admit.

"Umm sure" she shrugs. I put the DVD in the DVD player and sit on the couch down there. She sits on the other side and fixes her eyes on the tv. She seemed nervous and I didn't want it to be awkward.

"Fruit" I offer and she smiles. She scoots closer and picks up a piece of watermelon. I press play and the video starts. It was a preseason game against the Stars and it started with the power play.

"Did you make these notes" I ask holding up what Stan gave me earlier.

"Yeah" she says shyly.

"Wow! These are really good. How do you know so much about hockey" I ask.

"I've been here since I was ten. After my mom died I got sent out here and I fell in love with the business side of hockey. I learned everything there is to know about it. My grandpa always said I would be a part of the family business, I guess he was right" she shrugs.

"How awesome is it to have Scotty Bowman as your grandpa" I ask and she finally lightens up. She scoots even closer as she turns so she can talk to me.

"Oh it's amazing. Of course he named my uncle Stanley after the Stanley cup then my dad gets the name David" she rolls her eyes.

"Does your grandpa come by a lot" I ask.

"Yeah. He's still very much involved with the hockey but he's trying to step back and let Stan take over the family business. He's with the Wings right now but it's not that far from Chicago. My uncle is doing a pretty great job all by himself if he got you though" she smirks. I feel my cheeks burn as we stare at each other.

"Rumor has it you're the main reason I'm here" I claim.

"Don't flatter yourself. That decision was strictly business. The draft is a mind game and you can't make big moves like that when the reward and risk factors are totally out of sync. We're a rebuilding organization, no need to have a bunch of decent players when you can't build around them. You don't start playing hockey by strapping on skates and playing. You learn the fundamentals first, then you go from there, that's why we needed you to start rebuilding again" she explains.

"You really think I'm what this team needs" I wonder.

"I do" she smirks. Nice to know someone believes in me.

We watch tape for a hour and she helps me see things I might miss. She was defiantly a Bowman with that brain. The whole time I was trying to focus on the tv but ended up lost in her eyes. The way the green and hazel mixes around her pupil, makes me wonder what those things are always looking for.

The film ends and I turn the lights back on.

"Thank you so much for hanging with me. I had a great time" I say.

"Thanks, I did too" she smiles. She returns upstairs and I let out a long sigh. I fall into my bed and stare at the ceiling. I try to organize my thought but I got nothing.

I really liked this girl, but she was extremely sheltered and her intelligence was extremely intimidating. I don't even think Stan would let me date her. But I can't deny that these feelings are more than a friendship. I was addicted to her soft voice that always says the right things. And her brain, man that thing is impressive. And those eyes, God those things are going to be the death of me. I just wanted to run my fingers through her long black hair and hold her small body in mine.

A few moments later Stan comes downstairs. I sit up on my bed and he sits next to me.

"I see Danny helped with your homework" he laughs picking up her notes and seeing her handwriting on there.

"Yeah, she should honestly play" I admit.

"Yeah, her daddy doesn't want her near the ice" he tells me.

"Is her dad really strict" I wonder.

"He's been fighting in wars for over a decade. He's as tough as they come" he tells me.

"Is that why she's so sheltered" I ask.

"Nope. That's because she thinks with her brain and not her heart. Not since her mom passed at least" he shrugs.

"That's rough. Is she going to be okay" I wonder.

"Yeah. She's real pretty and real smart. Chicago can use a girl like her" he claims. Hell, I could use a girl like her.

We go upstairs and I play with the boys while he does some things for work. I play mini sticks in the living room with the boys while Suzanne and Danielle cooked dinner. The first game was coming up fast and I was happy both of my families will be there. This one and my real one.

"Dinner time" Suzanne calls and we all hop off the floor. I help them wash up and join everyone at the table.

"So Danny, what do you see in store for us this season" Stan asks.

"I see a increase in the power play percentage. With Jonathan playing you have more power down the middle and Patrick is going to be a great way to round out the top line. Plus if you keep up Duncan Kieth and Brent Seabrook you're going to have a top defensive pair who is great on special teams. It's not going to be a easy year, there's a lot of young guys and it's going to take some time. But every rebuilding team does it. I say you guys focus on specialty teams, protect the blue line, and of course have fun" she teases.

"There's no fun in hockey" Stan jokes.

"Not with you" she mumbles and the table snickers.

"Alright alright, I get it. I'll lighten up" he smiles.

We finish up dinner and I go to my room. I watch some tv and call home. I talk to my parents for a little then just lay there.

"Do you miss them" a voice asks and I jump. I see Danny standing there in her pajamas and calm down. She had a glass of water in hand as she stares at me. "Sorry for scaring you" she says softly.

"It's okay. I just didn't hear you come in" I say sitting up. I pat the side of the bed and she sits next to me.

"How often do you get to talk to them" she asks.

"Every day usually. They send me stuff sometimes but they'll be at some of the home games to give me a hard time in person" I explain and she nods. "Do you talk to your dad" I wonder.

"Rarely. He comes out once a year and he came in April so I won't see him again until next year" she says softly.

"Do you miss him" I ask.

"Yeah. I don't really see him a lot but he makes sure I know he's fighting for me" she smiles. "Well I just came down to say goodnight" she says getting up.

"Alright. Goodnight Danny" I say.

"Goodnight, Patrick."

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