16| The Right Way

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"Danielle Marie Bowman" a voice screams throughout the house. I jump up in my bed and try to calm myself down. I look out my window and see all the snow melting but it was still dark outside. Not even a hint of sun on the horizon. It was the start of March and spring was right around the corner. That meant no school mostly but I do love the summer time, even if it means no hockey.

My door swings open and I see Suzanne standing there in her night gown. Her hair in a messy bun on top of her head as she smiles down on me.

"Am I in trouble" I ask and she laughs.

"Nope. I just need you downstairs" she says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. I get dragged down stairs and she pulls me to stans office. I see on the screen that there was this charity down town at the end of the week. She points at it like I'm supposed to know what it means, but I don't.

"What is this" I mumble rubbing my eyes.

"It's a athletes ball. A bunch of athletes and businessmen and women attend where they bid on stuff and mingle" she explains.

"And this concerns me because..." I trail off.

"Because Patrick was invited and he should take you" she claims and I shake my head.

"Why" I ask.

"Because he has to go and there's something there I think you would be interested in" she claims.

"And what would that be" I wonder.

"One of the charities is for veterans" she explains and I nod. Now it makes sense.

"I would enjoy that" I admit.

"Great, now we have to find a dress" she claps and I groan.

"Can I go back to bed first" I ask. I give her a puppy dog eyes and she lets out a over dramatic breath.

"Fine" she huffs and I smile.

About three hours later I get up and take a shower. I get dressed and pull my hair back and head downstairs.

Patrick and the Hawks were up in Canada taking on the Oilers so it was just me and Suzanne and the boys for a while.

We get to a dress store downtown and start to look around. The boys were strapped in a stroller as we try to keep sane. We didn't have much time until they realized we weren't at a ice rink and they will get fussy.

"What about this" she asks holding onto a pink dress and shake my head. It was cute but it was like a prom dress and a bit too much for my simplistic taste. "Yeah you're right, it's not you" she admits putting it back.

We continue to search and I begin to feel defeated. Maybe I shouldn't go. I mean Patrick hasn't even asked me yet.

"Hey Danny, come here" Suzy says and I sigh. I find her with a hand full of red material and laugh.

"Really" I ask.

"Just try it on... for me" she begs and I let out a groan.

"Fine" I mumble and she cheers. I take the dress and find a dressing room. I change into the dress and was actually really shocked. It was amazing. It was so simple yet so beautiful.

I walk out and Suzanne lets out a gasp

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I walk out and Suzanne lets out a gasp. She makes me do a little turn and I couldn't help but smile. I felt amazing.

"Danny... you're so stunning" she says.

"It's perfect" I admit.

"We are so getting it" she insists and I pout.

"It's like $300 dollars" I say pulling out the tag.

"I don't care, I don't have a daughter and I want someone to spoil. The boys hate shopping and you look great. So we're getting it" she insists and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks Aunt Suzy" I smile and she nods. We get the dress and try to figure out what to do with hair and make up.

After grabbing a quick lunch we head home and I set the dress on my bed. I stare at it with a huge smile on my face, it sure was pretty.

I get my homework done for the next few days then hang out with the boys for a little. They were my favorite little people after all.

At the end of the night we sit around the tv and watch the game. Like always I have a note pad and pen out and was taking notes. The boys copy me because didn't you know that imitation was the best form of flattery?

I get a bunch of notes down and I was pretty proud of myself. After a long day I go to my room to read like I do every night before I go to bed.

I smile as I finish another great book and decide to call it a night. I turn over in bed ready to start another great day.

"Danielle Marie Bowman" someone yells waking me up. Seriously? Again? I don't remember ordering a wake up call. I try to ignore it but my name is repeated over and over again. I slip my feet into my fuzzy slippers and sleep walk downstairs.

"What do you people have against sleep" I mumble trying to wake myself up. I get to the bottom of the steps and my eyes shot open. I see Patrick in a suit fresh off the plane with a dozen roses in hand. Suzanne stands from afar but I feel her freaking out from across the room.

"Hey Danny" he says and I smile big.

"Patrick" I nod. He encourages me to come over and I do.

"What's all this" I ask as he hands me flowers.

"I know your aunt already told you about the gala and my plans to invite you so it kind of ruined the element of surprise but I still wanted ask you the right way. So Danielle, would you do me the honor of going to the gala with me" he asks.

"Yes" my aunt yells and I glare at her. She covers her mouth and I just shake my head.

"I would love to" I admit and he smiles. He pulls me into a hug and I squeeze him good.

"I've missed you" he whispers in my ear.

"I've missed you too" I admit. We break apart but stay close. "Thanks for the flowers" I say.

"Anything for my best friend" he claims. I put them in a vase and share a drink with Patrick before we went to bed. He picks up his travel bag and I smile when I see a book sticking out.

"You're reading The Great Gatsby" I ask and he stops. That was one of the books I got him for his birthday to read in his down time and it was my favorite one. I was happy that's the one he chose.

"Yeah, it's actually really good" he admits and I nod.

"It's amazing" I agree.

"Goodnight Ms. Daisy" he says with a English accent and I giggle.

"Goodnight, Mr Gatsby".

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