74| Twice the Fun

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As soon as we get back from our honey moon the hockey season kicks off. We were done with pre season and ready to hit the ground running.

Opening night was exciting for many reasons. One was that we get to raise the banner and celebrate winning last year before starting our trek to our next one.

I put on my suit to get ready to walk the red carpet and fix my hair up. I haven't looked this nice since my wedding. Granted that was not even two weeks ago. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and smile when her ring catches the light.

"Hey, I have a question for you" she starts.

"Sure, what's up" I ask turning around in her arms and latching them around my neck.

"When did you want to start a family" she wonders.

"Yesterday" I admit.

"How about two months ago" she asks biting her lip. I step back for a second and look done at her stomach. I lift her shirt but still see her abs poking through.

"Are you pregnant" I ask and she smiles.

"It depends. Would you be happy" she asks.

"I would be the happiest man alive" I admit.

"In that case you're doing to be a daddy by may next year" she says and I feel my heart pound in my chest.

"You're not lying" I ask and she shakes her head. I pick her up by the waist and raise her high above my head so her hair falls down on me. We do a little spin before I softly set her down.

"Oh my god, I'm going to be a dad. We're having a kid" I say and she nods.

"What now" she asks and I shrug.

"I honestly have no idea. When did you find out" I ask.

"I took some tests when I got home from our honeymoon and they were positive but they can be faulty sometime so I scheduled a appointment. I went in yesterday and said I was indeed pregnant and very at that" she explains.

"This is amazing. It's incredible. I'm literally so happy I can't even put into words how I am feeling right now. There's a little us in here" I ask bending down to her stomach and placing my hand on it.

"Yeah, it's not very big but its in there" she says.

"I can't wait to have a kid. I hope they like hockey otherwise we're going to have a problem. Oh which room is going to be the babies room? I think it should be the one closest to us. I wonder if we're going to have a boy or a girl" I ramble off.

"I have another question for you" she says.

"Oh god" I say excitedly.

"What if it was two kids... instead of one" she says and I nearly bounce off the wall.

"TWINS" I screech and Max comes running into the living room. He did not like that.

"Twins" she says softly.

"Holy fucking shit. This is the coolest thing ever! Like you're growing a family into your stomach! You're so cool" I say and she laughs.

"I guess so" she shrugs.

"I can't wait to start this family" I say.

"I can't either. I'm not sure how I'll be carrying two human beings for nine months. That'll be interesting" she admits.

"I wish I could help" I frown.

"That would be kind of weird, wouldn't it" she asks.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm just so excited. Who all knows" I question.

"Right now... you and me and my doctor" she says.

"Oh I can't wait to tell everyone"'I say jumping up and down and she giggles.

"You're so excited" she comments.

"Well yeah. I kinda have the sexiest, most intelligent, strongest wife ever who is carrying our two children. Two beautiful and perfect and amazing children. We just had a fairy tale wedding and a even better honey moon. I have a cup and my best friend right by my side through it all. How does it get any better" I ask.

"Win another cup" she smirks.

"Let me see what I can do for you" I smile.

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