72| The Wedding Part 2

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After the reception us and our parties go out to the gardens for pictures while everyone else takes the long trail 10 feet to the tent for the reception.

We get out there and I take some pictures with my girls. My maid of honor was Abbey then Patrick's sisters and Elina and my aunt were the bridesmaids.

We take a bunch of cute ones and I get individual ones with each of them. It was beautiful for Chicago in September and I was feeling pretty good. Soon after we finish taking pictures they head to the party and I stay back because I still have to have pictures with Patrick.

I watch as him and all the guys he had in this party mess around. The photographer was getting frustrated because they don't listen but honestly this was them on a good day.

"Hey Tiny Dancer" a voice says and I smile. My dad slowly walks over to me and leans against the bridge with me.

"Hi daddy" I smile as he watches the chaos ensuing in front of us.

"How are you doing" he asks.

"I'm amazing. Today has been so incredible. I feel like I'm dreaming" I sigh.

"I'm so happy for you guys. You both look so happy" he says and I look over to Patrick. The guys were supposed to be lifting him and he was hiding behind Bolland so they couldn't lift him up.

"We're happy. Maybe not sane, but happy" I nod.

"Where did you run off to earlier" he asks.

"I need some fresh air" I defend. It wasn't a lie.

"You saw Patrick, didn't you" he asks and I laugh.

"Yeah, I did. How did you know" I ask.

"Your mom did the same thing when we got married" he explains and I smile.

"I wish she was here" I admit.

"She is here. She's always here. Everything that is beautiful, she's there" he says looking around. He reaches up and plucks a flower off a tree and places it in my hand. "It's always important to pick the perfect flower. I know I did, and I'm happy to say you did too" he claims and I smile. He kisses my forehead before walking back to the tent.

The guys finish up the pictures and I make my way over to Patrick. He stands there in he garden smiling as big as ever. I walk into his open arms and he places a big kiss on my lips.

"Hello Mrs. Kane" he says and I giggle.

"Hi" I reply.

"How are we feeling" he asks resting his hands on my waist.

"We're feeling good" I say.

"Yeah we are" he smirks.

We take some really cute pictures and I could not wait to see them. We were just about done and ready to head to the music but Patrick stops us.

"Wait! One more" he yells. He jumps on my back and I let out a loud laugh. I do my best to hold on as the photographer tries to steady his laughing hand. He snaps the picture and we finally head in.

We sit down and eat the food we had offered. I tried to keep it healthy but it didn't turn out so well. We had a lot of red meat and a lot of things with potatoes in it. Still I was afraid it wasn't enough to feed everyone.

About a hour in someone taps their glass and it quiets down. Stan stands up and both Patrick and I groan.

"Hello, may I have everyone's attention please" he says and I run my hands down my face. "I would like to start off by saying congratulations to Patrick and Danielle. I love you guys and you each bring me happiness in your own ways" he says. This isn't so bad. "I would also like to tell a story about these two that most people don't know about" he continues and I shake my head. There it is. "Before these two were husband and wife, finances, and even boyfriend and girlfriend they were just friends. Best friends actually. And for Patrick he was just trying to learn his way around the NHL and the city and Danny was trying to find someone to call her own. When they were teenagers their favorite thing to do was sit in my basement, which was also Patrick's room, and eat all my food and watch hockey games. Between me and my dad we have well over a thousand games on hand to choose from and they got through most of them. One night I went down there to see how they were doing, they usually stayed up until at least 12 watching film and taking notes. I don't know if Patrick was just trying to impress her or what but I wasn't going to complain. Watching film never hurt anyone. Anyway, I get down there and everything was on, the lights, the tv, the lamp, but those two were knocked out. Patrick was laid out on the couch and Danny was on top of him asleep on his chest. At first I was pissed, I was ready to grab a hand full of blonde curls and drag him off the couch. But I stopped when I saw the pad of paper and pencil he had in his hands as they were wrapped around Danielle. I pick up the paper and read through the notes. It was the usual keep your head up and keep your feet moving. But at the bottom there was a little note. It said "always keep your eyes open, that way you can see that everything you will ever want is right in front of your face." I looked down at them and all my rage was gone. I knew that he had broken her down and I knew that I would be here at their wedding one day. So here's to two kids who I've had the honor of watching grow up together. I love you guys" he says raising his glass. I mouth a I love you and he tips his glass our way. We say our cheers and go back to eating.

After a while it was time to hit the dance floor. Patrick and I was awarded one dance before everyone joined us.

"What song did you pick" I wonder.

"A song I think works for us" he says.

The music starts and I smile.

"Did you write this song" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No. This really cool girl once showed me how cool this guy named Billy Joel was. I was skeptical at first but I have to admit, he's pretty good" he admits.

"Oh, oh, oh
For the longest time
Oh, oh, oh
For the longest
If you said goodbye to me tonight
There would still be music left to write
What else could I do
I'm so inspired by you
That hasn't happened for the longest time

Once I thought my innocence was gone
Now I know that happiness goes on
That's where you found me
When you put your arms around me
I haven't been there for the longest time."

"Can you believe all of this" I ask.

"No. I mean this venue is amazing, I've never had so many people I loved in the same spot in my life. And you... god I can't get over how amazing you are" he claims.

"I feel like this is a fairytale" I sigh.

"You're always a princess to me" he smiles.

"Maybe this won't last very long
But you feel so right
And I could be wrong
Maybe I've been hoping too hard
But I've gone this far
And it's more than I hoped for

Who knows how much further we'll go on
Maybe I'll be sorry when you're gone
I'll take my chances
I forgot how nice romance is
I haven't been there for the longest time

I had second thoughts at the start
I said to myself
Hold on to your heart
Now I know the woman that you are
You're wonderful so far
And it's more than I hoped for

I don't care what consequence it brings
I have been a fool for lesser things
I want you so bad
I think you ought to know that
I intend to hold you for the longest time."

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