63| Don't Leave Me

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"Hey baby.. have you seen my medication" my uncle asks as he runs around his house.

"No, you took them last night so they have to be around here somewhere" Suzanne says.

Patrick and I were chilling at uncle Stans until the game tonight. Max was already here because we just got back from a couple of away games so we decided to chill here all day. Have Suzanne help us figure out some more of the wedding and stuff.

Patrick goes off with my uncle to help him find his pills and I talk to Suzanne about the wedding. We were finally getting from the wedding to the reception and I was so excited.

After about ten minutes of nothing I hear someone yelling. I look around but didn't see where it was coming from. The yelling gets louder as panic takes over. Will and Cam was playing in the living room and they looked just as confused.

"What's going on" I ask.

"I don't know" Suzanne admits. We hop off the stools and see the door to the basement wide open. I run down stairs even though part of me knew I shouldn't have.

Down there was Patrick and my uncle hovering over my dad as he laid passed out on the ground. He was foaming at the mouth just convulsing on the ground.

"Oh my god" I whisper as I see a empty pill bottle by my uncle.

"What's going on" Suzanne asks.

"I think he over dosed" my uncle admits and my heart drops. He tried to kill himself, why would he do that? He was going so good. Or so I thought.

"Dad" I scream rushing to his side. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head as he continues to shake.

"I called the ambulance" Suzanne announces.

"Help me turn him to his side so he doesn't choke on his saliva" I say and Patrick and Stan help me roll over.

"How many of those pills did you have left" I ask my uncle as I pick up the empty bottle with his name on it.

"Not much, only five or six. But for all I know he thought they were his medication" he defends.

"Still... he's only supposed to take one so he was trying to do something" I sniffle.

The ambulance comes and loads him up quickly. I watch as his unconscious body is lifted into the back and I had so many bad thoughts going through my head. What if this is it? What if he didn't want to be my dad anymore? Did I do this to him?

Stan jumps in the ambulance since he knew more about what he took and they take off. I fall to my knees as the ambulance disappears from sight. I feel a pair of arms around me and look up to see Patrick. He too was crying and that did not help. I turn around in his arms as he throws his hands in my hair and rests my head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry" he cries. I continue to sob on his shoulder as I try not to think about the worst possible things happening.

Suzanne drives us over to the hospital and we are taken to a waiting room. Stan was telling them what type of medication it was and it's side effects and all trying to help them figure out what went wrong. I sit in a chair fiddling with my fingers as Patrick rubs my back slowly. I stare at the floor and I just hope and pray this was terrible miscommunication and he didn't actually try to end himself.

About a hour later my uncle returns with a doctor and I shoot up in my seat. He comes over to us and I feel the life being sucked out of me with every inch he gets closer.

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