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We return home from Cancun both tired and wide awake at the same time. The time change was starting to set in but it wasn't too bad honestly, we just didn't sleep much while in Mexico. I'm sure you understand why.

We were happy to get back to Chicago and to some sense of normalcy and be around people who's main language was English. I knew Spanish but I was in no way fluent. I got us around but one time we did end up at a restaurant instead of our hotel.

School starts up at the end of the week and it is sad because I was actually really excited. I miss taking notes and making spreadsheets and emailing my professor asking if there is a maximum word limit for these problems. I know it sounds weird but I love school. It's been the one constant in my life besides hockey. I know I'm good at it and I can always get better so it keeps my mind busy. Keeps it from wandering to these scary places I've created that could one day be my reality.

On top of school I also got to start writing my book whenever I can. It's going to take a while and I'm still busy but I'm sure I can find some time. My professor sent my writings to a publisher over the summer and he was over the top impressed. At least that's what he said. He wanted a introduction and a outline of what the book would be to get some ideas of what I can do. He's giving me total freedom to do and say as I please which is both great and kind of scary. With this much freedom it's easy to create your own chains and I wanted to stay away from this. Writing is a form of art with no limits but I didn't want my story to become the next cheesy love story. This is who I am, if they don't like the book then they don't like me. And I know it shouldn't matter, but it does.

As for the team, well they were ready for another long playoff run. They were so close last year and they just needed something to get them there. And that something was Marian Hossa who they signed over the summer. My uncle was beyond ecstatic he decided to sigh here. We were all kind of shocked but he needs young guys to rub off on and our young guys need a veteran to look up to. And who better than a guy who has played for the cup two years in a row? I think it's time we win him a cup.

As for Patrick and I, well we were just trying to get back to normal. We haven't talked about the wedding yet. There was nothing to talk about really. He loves me, I love him, and that's all there is to it. We weren't in a real hurry or felt like we needed to be married. People already had so much say in our relationship we kind of wanted to do this on our own terms. But it's never that easy and I'm sure both of our families will be pressuring us to get something done. But we can handle it.

After picking Max up from Stan's we unpack and do a little laundry. I get the mail from the neighbors and look through what came in. Nothing important so I put them away.

About a hour after we get home there's a knock on the door and I look at Patrick for answers. He shrugs his shoulders and I become confused.

"Were you expecting someone" I ask.

"No, were you" he asks and I shake my head. I open the door and Jonny and Patrick and Abby was there with a huge smile on their faces.

"Congratulations" they yell with their arms in the air and I laugh.

"Patrick... who all knows about this" I ask pointing to my ring.

"Honestly... everyone" he shrugs. Of course, that one can't keep his mouth shut so I'm pretty surprised he was able to keep it from me.

I welcome them in but couldn't offer any snacks like I usually do because I haven't been able to bake in a while. Not that that's going to stop them from coming in and eating what food we do have. This place was like a hockey player fast food restaurant, but I don't get paid. Jonny goes straight to Max as he jumps around in my arms. The dog goes crazy as the guy who always slips him food under the table was back.

"Wow... happy to see you too" Patrick mumbles as he watches Jon play with Max.

"You know I'm just messing with you, good to see you again" Jon says getting up and pulling him into hug.

Most of the guys are back in town for training camp coming up so we were getting back into the swing of things. In a few weeks they leave from here to my college for training. Norte dame is also where my uncle studied so there's a lot of ties from the Hawks to the small college. There I'll meet with my professor and publisher to talk to them and I was kind of excited. But for right now I was enjoying this last few moments of freedom.

"Let me see it" Abby  says following Patrick in and I hold my hand out.

"Wow, this has got to be the prettiest engagement ring I've ever seen. In fact it's prettier than most wedding rings" she says pulling it to her face.

"It was my moms wedding ring. Patrick got ahold of it and now I have the honor of wearing it" I explain.

"That's so sweet" she smirks.

"People don't believe me when I say that Patrick is a really heartfelt guy. He isn't perfect but he's the closest thing I'll find to it" I explain twirling the ring around my finger.

"Ugh you guys are so great together" she grunts.

"Thank you" I smile.

After everyone gets settled in we look at the photo shoot from the beach. Jonathan likes to act like he thinks our relationship is so gross but he actually loves us. But even he had to admit what Patrick did was super cute and turned out pretty cool. All the pictures looked great and the ones of him proposing were my favorite.

"So when are you guys getting married" the other Patrick asks and I roll my eyes.

"When we want to" Patrick says.

"Okay... when do you want to get married" he asks and Patrick shakes his head.

"How about we get this season started and Danny get settled in with school before we start throwing days out there" he suggests.

"Fine, I just need a heads up so I can find my dancing shoes" Sharpy claims. Sure. Whatever floats your boat Sharpy.

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