55| Making Plans

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"Next summer? You want to get married next summer?"

Patrick and I actually had a free day so we decided to start planning the wedding. We've been engaged for over two months and we've enjoyed all the excitement but now all the questions are coming and we're trying to give them answers.

"Honestly I would run away to Vegas and get married right now if I could" he admits.

"You're not even 21 yet, you're not allowed in there" I remind him.

"That's a great birthday present" he claims.

"Patrick, your sisters would kill us if we got married in Vegas" I explain.

"Oh yeah... they would not be happy" he agrees.

"How about the end of the summer, maybe September" I suggest.

"I think a fall wedding would be nice" he says.

"Okay, the last weekend in September is the 25th" I say looking at a calendar.

"Cool, we got a date. See... this is easy" he claims.

"I'm sorry Patrick, but it's not" Suzanne says walking into the dining room.

We were over at Stans house partially because Suzanne promised to help us plan the wedding, she was a wedding planner after all, and partially because we wanted to let Max out of the apartment so he can play with the boys.

"Come on Suzanne. Have a little faith" Patrick smirks.

"I love you Pat, but you're clueless in this department. Now that you have a date you have to find a venue open then. Do you want it indoor or outdoor, at a church or something different. Then you have to have save the dates and find out who sits where. Then you have to find out who is in the parties and get them measured and find out what they're wearing. And that's just the beginning..." Suzanne trails off.

"Yikes, I think I found one thing scarier than Henrik Lundquist" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Okay... moving on. What colors were you thinking" I ask.

"Fall colors" he says and Suzanne tries to stifle her laughter.

"Oh, you think you're so high and mighty because you do this for a living. Then what colors do you suggest" Patrick challenges.

"I would say a burgundy and pink. The burgundy is a deep red perfect for a fall wedding and the light pink is a classic accent to offset the main color but is still elegant" she explains.

"I actually love that" I admit.

"Sadly so do I" Patrick mumbles.

Suzanne takes over the computer and starts typing things in. She shows us where to look at flowers and centerpieces and invitations with the colors we had. Everything was so beautiful.

"So I'm assuming you're going to have a big wedding considering you both have huge families" she says.

"I would think so. I mean I think at least Fifty from both sides and that doesn't even include friends and the team" I say.

"So that's a yes" she laughs.

"We don't have to invite everyone. I know you don't like being around a lot of people" Patrick says rubbing my back.

"Thank you for that, but I kind of want a big wedding. People are happy for us and this is a big moment in our life, they should be there for it. Plus I've always dreamed of a fairy tale wedding" I shrug.

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