48| Thoughtful

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For my 21st birthday I am doing what every kid does at such a momentous occasion, staying home thinking about writing a book and packing. I wasn't ever really into drinking, not like Patrick at least. I can pop some champagne time to time and maybe have a glass of wine but that's about it. I didn't have the socialite personality that comes with drinking beer with friends, I solve my problems artistically and drinking doesn't run in my family. I never really had a reason to drink. I mean turning 21 is a reason but not a good enough one in my book.

Nope, instead we were having a little get together at Stans later to eat cake and probably talk about hockey. That's how it goes around here. I wasn't big on the whole birthday celebration so I was just going to enjoy this day like I would any other one.

But before we went to Stan's I was spending time with my boys. I was in Patrick's lap and Max was in mine as we lounge around the apartment. We watch Hercules and snack on popcorn for most of the morning. Since there was no practice or games we usually didn't know what to do with ourselves. Most of the time we just watch TV and mess around. After the movie was finished we take Max for a walk and get some ice cream to stay away from the heat. I get rocky road and he gets cookies and cream and Max gets a doggy treat because daddy spoils him. But he spoils me too so I couldn't complain.

Finally we return home where I don't have to worry about my dog jumping over a kid trying to pet him. He's a lover really.

"I have a present do you" Patrick announces and I cross my arms over my chest.

"You promised you wouldn't get me anything" I pout. He told me that the trip was my birthday present so I would stop complaining that he wouldn't let me pay for any of it but now I see he said that just to get me to shut up. He knows how stubborn I get when it comes to giving things to me so he usually has to make something up.

"I got you something" he assures me and I huff. He tries to hold his hand out for me to take but I turn around.

"No, I'm mad" I say trying to look upset but Patrick looks amused.

"Stop being difficult" he laughs.

"I'm not moving" I announce sticking my nose in the air. He just shrugs before throwing me over his shoulder and I let out a squeal.

He sets me down outside of the bathroom and I look at him weird.

"If you're showing me how big your poop is again I am actually leaving you" I threaten.

"No, although that was pretty funny. I can't believe you fell for that" he rambles.

"Patriiiiick" I whine and he stops.

"Fine. But your present really is in here" he insists. He opens the door and I see a piece of wood in the tub. It had handles on it so it can come in and out and a place to set a drink and a book to use while I take a bath. It fit perfectly in the tub and it looked so nice.

"It's for when you read in the tub. This way you can be comfortable and your books won't get wet anymore" he explains. I see a tray by the tub with all new books around with some bubbles and candles. There were some pedals on the floor outside the tub and a brand new book ready for me to read see up for a tray.

"Patrick, this is so thoughtful" I gasp.

"I made it myself. I even engraved "better together" into the wood" he explains. I trace my fingers over the engraving and try not to cry. But this was so sweet.

"I love it. It's honestly one of if not the best gifts I have ever gotten. Thank you" I say kissing his lips.

"Happy birthday baby" he whispers on my lips before connecting them once again.

After I break in my new gift we go over to Stans place. Everyone is already there but my dad and I start to get worried.

"Where's my dad" I ask my uncle.

"He's downstairs. But you can't go down there until he's ready" he explains.

"Ready for what" I wonder.

"You'll see" he smiles.

After about ten minutes I get called downstairs saving me from a conversation with my grandma and grandpa about the urges I'll experience once I turn 21, I felt like we were having "the talk" and I have never left a conversation so quickly. I excuse myself from them and trot down to the basement. I look around but I don't see anyone.

"Daddy" I yell out to see where he was. He walks around a corner very slowly and a big smile comes up. He was walking all by himself with no help or crutches. It looks like his new leg was a perfect fit and he was finally getting better.

"Happy birthday Dan" he smiles. I run over and hug him trying not to knock him down. I squeeze him tight so he knows I'm so proud of him as he rubs my back.

"You're doing amazing, look at you" I say softly.

"I feel good. I feel like I can finally live again. Here, let me show you something" he says gesturing to the couch. I sit down and he plops next to me. "Look" he says pointing to his leg.

On it was the same picture that he got engraved in the dog tag I always wear. The words "it's you and me kid" engraved into it. The details were so intense, just as I remembered it.

"Oh dad, this is so great" I admit.

"I wanted something to keep me going on this and you were the first thing to come to mind. Although it's your birthday, it's you who is giving me something that changes my life. And it's hope. I'm not making it easy on you but you've never given up on me so I won't give up on you. On us. I love you Danny and you're turning 21 today. That's crazy. I swear it was just yesterday your mom and I was running around trying to find a clean diaper. Now it's just you and me kid" he sighs.

"It's always going to be me and you dad" I smile.

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