18| Didn't Know How To Tell You

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"Hey son, can you talk" Stan asks as I play with the boys in the living room. It's been a slow day and I was a little confused on why he wanted to see me.

"Um sure, what's up" I ask following him to his office. He sits on the couch and points to the seat next to me indicating that I should sit there. I plop down next to him and he lets out a long sigh.

"I haven't really told anyone besides my wife this so sorry if I get a little flustered. But after talking to the doctors it looks like my cancer came back... and it's a little more aggressive than last time. I was trying to put it off to seek out all my options but it doesn't look like I can. They're going to do stem cell treatment and radiation and chemo, everything to assure that I make it through this. I can't promise you anything, cancer is very unpredictable and nothing is for certain. I just wanted you to know because things around here are probably going to change. I understand if it's distracting or a little depressing and you want to leave..." he trails off.

"I don't want to go, I want to stay and help" I insist.

"Are you sure? I won't be upset if you want to go" he claims.

"No. I want to stay. I love it here. I can help around the house, take care of Cam and Will when I'm here. I'll do my laundry and cook and clean. I want to stay" I repeat. He smiles as a tear falls.

"Thanks Patrick. You're great for my team, but even better for my family" he says resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Any time. I'm going to fight with you. I promise" I insist and he nods. He pulls me in a hug and I honestly felt so bad. He was a very strong guy and it was hard seeing him like this.

"Just... please don't tell Danny. She's going to have a hard time with this and she's doing so good right now. I don't even know how I'm going to tell her yet. I can't stand to know I'm going to take that beautiful smile away" he sighs.

"Of course" I nod.

We leave his office and I return to playing with the kids. But by the time I sit down my demeanor has been totally changed. Cam was just three and Will wasn't that much older at five. Suzanne was so stressed last time and I can tell she doesn't want to go through this again. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know it was this bad. But I can tell she's been really cautious lately. And now it makes sense that Scotty was coming to Chicago, he's probably here to help Stan get better and stay working. I watch as Will and Cam play fight with some action figures and my heart hurts. I don't want them to lose their dad. They have such a great dad. I didn't want Suzanne to lose her husband, they have already been through so much together. And Danny... she can't lose someone else. She would absolutely be heart broken if she lost another parental figure.

It comes time for dinner and we sit around the table like always. We fix our plates and talk around. I mess with my food on my plate and I can feel a pair of eyes cutting through me. I know if I look into them I'll break down.

"Are you okay" Danny whispers and I avoid those beautiful green eyes.

"What? Um yeah, I'm good" I say but she wasn't buying it. Reluctantly she lets it go and I thank the lord.

"So what are the plans for tomorrow" she asks as dinner wraps up. Everyone's schedules are crazy so I never know what's going on so I usually just ask her but not even she knows at this point.

"We have morning skate at 10:30 then film right after. Since there's no game it will probably just be a light practice. Cam and Will has a play date with Ricky all day tomorrow and Suzanne will be with me at my doctors appointment at two" Stan says and the table falls silent. I swallow hard as Danny drops her fork. Stan realizes he slipped up and closes his eyes tight.

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