61| Who Do You Play For?

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After the New Years hockey picks up again. We were first in our division and second in the conference with points and before all of that we had the Olympics.

We arrive in Vancouver in early February and I was excited. I've played in many international tournaments for America but never for the Olympics. Not even the national skating program could live up to this.

I get to my hotel room and set my things down. Danny rolls her suitcase in and puts it next to mine. She goes up the window and stands there with a big smile on her face.

"This place is so pretty" she gasps. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her chest.

"You've never been to Vancouver" I ask.

"No, our family is based out of Quebec which is thousands of miles away. We never really came to this part of Canada. My grandpa and uncle have been here but I have not" she explains.

"Well then I guess we have a fun two weeks eh" I ask.

"You trying out your Canadian accent" she asks.

"Yeah, I could be a great Canadian" I insist.

"Savais-tu que je t'aime" she says and my eyes go wide.

"Okay... I don't know French" I admit and she giggles. "What did you say" I ask.

"Did you know I love you" she smiles. I kiss her neck and she giggles a little.

"Love you too" I mumble in her skin.

The next day we play a pre-tournament game and win easily. I had a goal and two assists and was feeling good. We decided to have a nice dinner with some of the guys on the team and Danielle's family. Danny's dad even got to come, his therapist says it would be good for him and he's honestly the coolest dude ever. I love having him around.

We sit around the dinner table and I had Danny on one side omg me and Will and Cam on the other. We play the games on the place mat and try to forget the face that this table is pretty evenly divided with American and Canadian representatives.

You should have seen Stans face when Will said he wanted a Kane jersey instead of a Canadian one. I thought he was going to choke. But he reluctantly gave it to him and just told him he can't be photographed with him. I'm pretty sure he was joking.

"So Patrick, How has wedding planning gone" my mom asks from across the table.

"It's been pretty good. It's not really a focus right now. We have this and the Hawks and plenty to keep us preoccupied in the mean time. But we're getting there" I shrug.

"That's good. And how have you been Danny" she asks.

"I've been good. I'm moving along with school and liking my new role with the team. Never a dull moment around us" she laughs.

"I can imagine" my mom shakes her head.

"When are your daughters coming in" Danny asks and I groan. "What was that for" she asks.

"Every time were around my sisters they steal you away" I pout.

"Because I never get to see them. I always see you" she giggles.

"And I want to keep it that way" I insist.

"They're coming in tomorrow" my mom says and I let my head fall. That means I have a few more hours of Patrick and Danny time before it was Patrick and Danny and Jessica and Erica and Jaqueline.

"Good, I can't wait" Danny smiles.

"I can" I mumble and she nudges my side.

We get through dinner no problems and I reluctantly say goodbye to Stan and his family. They were good people and I can't wait to be related to them.

Danny and I decide to go out and explore. I've been to Vancouver a number of times but never through a Olympic village. It was exciting to be here, with her.

"Why do you keep staring at me" she finally asks and I start to blush. We've been together for years and she still makes me feel like a love sick puppy.

"I don't know what you mean" I try.

"You're staring at me like we haven't been through hell and back. Like we haven't been with each other almost every day for the past three years and then some" she explains.

"I just-" I start but I stop myself. Danielle stops walking causing me to stop. She turns to me and cups my face ever so softly so I had to look at her. She steps close so I couldn't get out of this conversation, not that I wanted to.

"Just what" she whispers.

"I just really love you. And sometimes it hits me like a brick wall. That you are everything I ever wanted and needed and you're right here. You're right in front of me, and then it hits me. How lucky I am, how blessed I am to have a great family who loves me and supports me, how you're about to become a part of the family and how happy that makes me. My sisters ask about you every day, and I know they text you, but they still make sure I'm tearing you right. My mom asks about you before she asks me how I'm doing. My dad used your notes for one of the games and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

And you... I don't have words for the way you make me feel. I'm speechless, and you know how much I love talking.  Sometimes I just look at you and I get chills. I know how blessed I am to call you mine. You're such a important part of my life and I don't tell you that nearly as much as I should. But sometimes words just don't come out, instead I say it with my eyes and it comes out in the form of a stare. I can't help it" I shrug.

"That was beautiful Patrick" she smiles.

"You are" I reply with a smirk.

She pulls me into a deep kiss then I realized that being here wasn't just about playing for my country I was playing for the people in it, and I was going to start with her.

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