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This is the story of how I went from being a Bowman to being a Kane.

How I went from the bottom of the mountain to ruling from the top of it.

How I went from shutting everyone out to letting that one special one in.

And how I had to find out the hard way that love can easily be wasted if you let it be.

I never had a hard time loving, my problem was I loved too hard. I scared myself and it stoped me from showing my love. After I lost my mom and basically my dad too I thought I couldn't live again. I thought I shouldn't. I thought knowledge and intelligence can feel the void I was feeling in my heart. But I really couldn't. Nothing can substitute or replace love.

So when someone tried to show me the love and affection I so desperately needed I pushed him away thinking it's going to stop him from loving me. To stop me from loving him. Not denial or space or time could stop the inevitable from happening. And eventually I got tired of fighting it, but that realization came a bit too late for he was in a relationship with another girl.

I had to go back to my parents to figure out what to do. My bowman days weren't all that long, but they were pretty good considering the circumstances. And my short time with my mom taught me so much, but most of all not to be afraid of love no matter how scared I am. That I can't fight it because it would make it worse. And she was right, I wish I could have told her that.

It's funny how life works out. One day you and your best friend are chilling in the basement of your uncles house watching film and the next you're in a house outside of Chicago with three kids and a dog taking over the hockey world.

Our first two children were a boy and a girl, Noah and Rachel. They were born on March 12th, 2011 both healthy and hungry. I would say happy, but they're really just hungry. Noah looks just mike his daddy, curly blonde hair and blue eyes, they could be twins really. He loves watching Dad play and comes to all the practices and games. Rachel is my sweet little girl, she looks like my mom more than anything which makes since because she is named after her after all. Black hair and kind brown eyes. She refuses to get her hair cut and always wants a flower headband. I've never met a hippie toddler before but there's a first time for everything. Then after the twins were born we had another little girl named Samantha. What a wild soul she is. She's the team favorite because she loves to play pranks on everyone and has a serious hockey vocabulary. Media love sit when she talks but it makes my life harder.

As for me, well after my uncle stepped down from turning this franchise from a joke to the lunch line he handed it to me. He was getting tired and wanted time to spend with his family and I was ready. Being the first general manager of a major sports team isn't easy. The first few times I made some phone calls the other teams thought I was pranking them. But this is for real, I'm here not to make history as the first woman HBIC, in here to continue the first modern day nhl dynasty last decades. And that's just what I'll do.

A lot of times I think back to the day we drafted Patrick. I knew he was going to be great for the team, what I didn't know was how great he would be for me. He is living proof that if you try real hard and best in your craft you can be whatever you want. As far as American born players, there is none better. As far as all hockey players, there are few better. Watching him play is such a honor, never a second that goes by that I don't feel like he isn't going to make a highlight reel type of play. He's insanely talented and skilled and now everyone sees what I saw in him that fateful day in 2007.

It's been years since that day and a lot has changed. We've won cups and mvps and draft lottery's. There's not a single thing o would change.

Except maybe one thing.

I wish I would have fallen in love easier. I wish I could have seen much sooner how we were better together.

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