24| I'm Yours

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After the NHL awards we return to Chicago and my family goes back home to Buffalo. I get settled back in and start ramping up the work outs. I had a lot to work on for next season, I didn't want to go through a sophomore slump or anything.

One late July afternoon I come home after a early morning work out. The kids were out with Stan for a boys day since he didn't have treatment and had the energy to hang with them. Suzanne was with her side of the family for once so for today it was just Danny and I, not that I would want it any other way.

"Oh great, you're home" she claims walking down the stairs.

"What? You miss me that much" I tease.

"Confidence is only cute in the ice Mr. Kane" she warns. Of course. "I actually wanted to see if you wanted to go to the beach, have a picnic or something" she shrugs.

"That sounds like a lot of fun. Let me go grab a bag and change" I say and she nods. We go our separate ways and get ready before meeting in the kitchen. She makes us sandwiches while I pack chips and fresh fruits and veggies and lots of water. We get it in the picnic basket and load my jeep up before heading to the beach.

We get there and it was pretty calm, it's a Wednesday afternoon after all. I was being left alone which is always appreciated. We set or towels on the sand and get the picnic basket set up. We decide to eat first before getting in.

"When is your dad suppose to be in" I ask.

"Next month, sometime around my birthday" she explains.

"That's great, where is he now" I wonder.

"He's not allowed to tell me. I think it's better if I didn't know, then I'll worry less" she claims.

"Understandable" I nod.

I take out some grapes and snack on them. I toss one at Danny and it bounces straight off her head.

"Ass hole" she mumbles and I smile.

"Try to catch it" I say and she stops her pouting. I toss one in the air and she catches it in her mouth easily.

"Nice" I laugh as she bows.

"We work pretty good together, huh" she asks.

"Better than Lemieux and Jagr" I joke.

"Okay, maybe not that well" she giggles.

We finish the food before deciding to get into the lake. I get my shirt off and have her rub sun screen on my back. Man do I love the feeling of her skin on mine.

She sheds her jean shorts and tank top leaving her in a bright pink bikini. She pulls her long wavy hair into a pony tail on top of her head and puts her sun glasses up there with it. I watch as each muscle tenses and relaxes when she moves. Her toned body sparkling under the hot Chicago sun. I try not to stare but it was impossible, she was the definition of beautiful and I wish I could tell her that.

"Patrick" she yells and I shake my head.

"Yeah, what" I reply all flustered.

"I asked if you could get my back" she claims holding out the sun screen. Without a word I take it from her and rub it in her back. I break away before I couldnt control myself.

We head in the water and take some time to adjust. It was still pretty cool but it felt nice under the hot summer sun. After a little I send a playful splash her way and she gasps loudly.

"Patrick" she squeals as she jumps around. No matter how long we were in there it doesn't change the fact that the water was still pretty cold.

"What, I did nothing wrong" I insist.

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