Chapter Two

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As Minerva was left to talk with the Diggorys, Cedric suggested that they go on a walk, mainly walking off the path through one of the fields behind the home. Milo didn't seem to be bothered by it, especially as Paden seemed more than thrilled to see Cedric. The bowtruckle was sitting on Cedric's shoulder, chirping away as if he was filling Cedric in on all the latest gossip, while Milo watched in amusement. A few times Cedric smiled, even nodding his head or looking surprised to add to Paden's conversation, but Milo could tell that something was bothering Cedric terribly, it was written all over his face despite the smile he was trying to hide behind.

"Is something wrong, Cedric?" Milo finally asked them, once they were quite a distance away from the home. He could only see the roof from where they stood before he turned back to the other boy. "It looks like something upset you...did you change your mind about me staying here-"

"No! No," Cedric said in a stern tone, shaking his head from left to right before he looked up at the sky and let out an exasperated sigh. "It has nothing to do with you, Milo. Well, it does but it's not your fault or your problem really."

Milo looked confused, waiting for Cedric to go on and explain, even though he was sure he knew what Cedric was hinting at, but he wanted to make sure before he made any assumptions. 

"I was going to talk to my dad," Cedric began, " I was going to tell him about how I've been feeling as of late, tell him about us in that sense, but just as I was going to, I saw how he was going to react."

"How?" Milo questioned as his brows furrowed in confusion, he wondered if Cedric had developed some sort of seeing ability over the recent weeks. That would be quite the development and would lead to an exciting discussion but that didn't turn out to be the case as Cedric looked down at the ground.

"There are these two men at my dad's work, there was a rumour going around the office that the two were dating. It seemed like the perfect time, you know, see how they react and then talk to him about it."


Cedric sat down on the ground, hidden by the tall grass in the field as Milo slowly lowered himself to sit in front of him.

"He called it disgusting," he told Milo, " said it was wrong. Just what I feared he was going to say. He and his co-worker Larson were making fun of them all day. Making it all into some joke and I didn't know what to do. I just sat there, listening to them and realising that the moment he finds out about me...he's going to think the same about his son. I'm going to be disgusting in his eyes. I didn't tell him, I'm sorry."

Milo couldn't even begin to process why Cedric was apologising to him, just as Milo had told him during earlier times, he didn't want Cedric to do anything that was going to make him uncomfortable. As much as Milo didn't often admit it, he was a people pleaser, he wanted to make people happy because, in the long run, he assumed it would make him happy as well. 

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