Chapter Fifty-Two

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Working on an essay for Transfiguration, Milo was sitting in the library beside Cedric, along with Max and Heidi. He had a couple of books opened around him, along with his ink and quill at the ready as he had to read over cross-species transfiguration principles and limitations. The rest of the group seemed to be working diligently as well, although Heidi looked as though someone had smacked her with a brick at one point as she looked over her Arithmancy homework. To prevent himself from laughing, Milo couldn't bring himself to look up from his work any longer or having any sort of fun, would attract the attention of the notorious mood-killer, Madam Pince. 

With Paden settled in his hair, playing with a lock of it, Milo felt relaxed as his thoughts began to drift from his work. He thought about what Elspeth had said about getting a Silas a dog for Christmas, and he was so tempted to know if Silas was aware that the black, fluffy yet shaggy dog at the time, was actually his father. If he wasn't aware, he wondered if Elspeth and Sirius were actually going to get him a dog to replace the one he thought he had once he learned that it was actually his father that he had received in a box. 

Suddenly, Cedric's hand waved in front of his face and Milo thought the boy was scolding him to pay attention to his work. He quickly returned to his writing, until Cedric nudged his arm to get his attention once more. When Milo finally did look up, he saw that Fred and George were motioning him to come outside the library, leaving him confused for a moment before it clicked in his head what they wanted to discuss. As he excused himself, Cedric, Max, and Heidi watched as he walked out of the library and found Fred's and George's arms placed on his shoulders leading him away. 

Cedric made a grumbled comment to himself before trying to return to his own work, until he caught sight of Max and Heidi grinning at him. He glanced around, making sure Pince wasn't looming over them like a dementor before setting his quill down.

"What?" He asked them, wanting to know why they were smiling at him like that. Normally, it was the smile of 'we-know-something-you-don't-know.' "Why are you two looking at me like that?"

"Sorry, Cedric," Max chuckled lightly, "I think we both just think it's absolutely precious that you're the jealous type."

"What? No, I'm not!" He argued although it didn't sound the most convincing as his voice quivered slightly and it didn't look convincing either as his face flushed with a bright red. 

"Yes, you are," Heidi grinned, " you didn't see the look on your face when Milo started talking to Fred out there. And when they put their arms on Milo's shoulders..."

Her voice trailed off into a giggle that Max joined in, Cedric, on the other hand, did not share their amusement with this "false accusations" as he was going to claim them to be. 

"I'm not jealous," Cedric told them, "Milo can talk to whoever he wants to. He's been friends with the Weasley twins for a long time. Just because we're dating doesn't mean that his friendships are going to suddenly change with every boy."

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