Chapter Thirty-Five

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Milo didn't care at all about his injuries despite everyone around him trying to get him to focus on himself and reassuring him that Harry was just going to be just fine. The two Potters were under the care of Madam Pomfrey, Harry was lying in one of the beds while Milo was sitting on the one beside him waiting for his brother to wake up. As suspected, Milo had suffered a couple of broken ribs and his shoulder had become dislodged catching Harry. His mother and Cedric wasted no time getting Milo dry as the boy had been shivering, it was quite the sight to see the two go for their wands at the same time to tend to Milo. Cedric turned quite red before allowing Minerva to proceed. 

Sometimes it truly concerned Cedric how much Milo tended to others to himself even when he was physically really hurt. He probably should have taken the forfeit rather than putting his team at risk in the weather. It didn't feel like a fair win at all so there was nothing for the captain to celebrate with his team. And it certainly didn't help that Oliver had declined the offer for the rematch saying that the Hufflepuffs had played a fair match. No matter what Cedric said, he couldn't get Oliver to reconsider and Hufflepuff was left to claim the victory due to an accident. 

"I'm sorry," Milo told Cedric as the Gryffindor team arrived to crowd around Harry's bedside until the boy woke up.Cedric, who planned on keeping Milo company for as long as he possibly could as the boy had to sit in the discomfort of getting his ribs repaired, looked over at the boy with a confused look. He flinched a couple of times as he felt the weird twinging inside his body but Cedric had to wonder what he was apologising for in the first place.

"Sorry for what?" Cedric had to question.

"I screwed up the match, didn't I? I was too busy worrying about other things and I got distracted that I messed it all up and it was your first match as captain and-"

Before he could ramble on, Cedric stopped him, placing his hand over the boy's mouth to silence him. He couldn't believe his ears, was Milo truly blaming himself for how the match turned out when he had nothing to do with it? It didn't make any sense as Milo had been the trooper on the pitch, still flying through his injuries, not to mention doing whatever he could to save his brother from a fall even if it meant further hurting himself. Yet, there he was apologising as if he had been the ones to summon the dementors to the pitch or somehow caused all the rain. 

Milo's eyes trailed downward, looking quite shameful as if he was actually in trouble with Cedric. The older boy didn't want him to believe that for one second because if anything, Cedric's chest swelled with pride with how amazing Milo had been out on the pitch. His hand moved away from the boy's mouth and cupped Milo's cheek, finally bringing him to look back up. As soon as their eyes met, Milo was met with a reassuring smile from Cedric that he truly had nothing to be sorry about. 

It made Milo smile although he did feel a bit foolish for apologising as he thought about it more. But nonetheless, he was quite happy to have Cedric remaining in his company in the Hospital Wing while he healed and not smiling in the direction of Oliver W-

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