Chapter Thirty

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"Well, it must have gone well judging by that smile on your face," Elspeth said as Milo joined her and Harry in the courtyard later on that afternoon. He left Cedric as the two parted ways, Cedric headed back to the Common Room wearing a grin that was equivalent to the one Milo was wearing. He looked up at his godmother and felt a blush creeping up from the base of his neck all the way up his face. Harry looked confused as he glanced back and forth between the two, considering Elspeth wore a knowing look on her face. It seemed the only one out of the loop was him.

"Er...what are you two talking about?" He asked, bringing Milo to rub the back of his neck awkwardly before shooting Elspeth a glare. He turned back to Harry with a small smile.

"Nothing, she's just making fun of me because I was discussing war tactics in Hogsmeade," Milo told her before walking over and sitting next to him on the wall.

"War tactics, that's what they call it now, we used to call it research methods- OW!" Elspeth rubbed her shin as her face scrunched up in discomfort. Milo moved his leg away from hers before focusing his attention on Harry. It seemed the boy was having a good day so far, considering their plans didn't go directly as they had originally planned them out. He wore a smile and he appeared happy to see Milo, which was more than enough for his older brother in that moment. The fear that Harry would be upset and more drama would ensue had left Milo worried. 

After dealing with Anne Diggory, Milo didn't think his little heart could handle any more stress added on to the day. It was bad enough that Halloween never seemed to bring Milo much joy as it brought other children after he learned what happened on that day. He knew that the holiday had nothing to do with his parents' death, it had just been a coincidence but still, it didn't make the day any better. But in the company of Elspeth and Harry and accomplishing a great deal with Cedric, he did feel a lot better about it. 

"Mum! Mum!"

The three looked up to see Silas running into the courtyard a rapid speed, he nearly fell over at one point before he reached his mother. He wore a bright smile on his face, not to mention as he reached the area where they were sitting, he was practically hopping up and down in place. Milo could see how happy Elspeth was in that moment, probably just thrilled to hear the boy call her mum, not to mention actually be excited to see her and talk with her.

"Silas, how much sugar have you had today?"

The boy came to a sudden halt but he didn't answer right away. Eventually, he just gave his mother a shrug of his shoulders, causing the woman to shake her head. "I'm going to take away that sweets bag from you," Elspeth said, "if you end up with cavities, I'll never hear the end of it from my own parents."

"You'll never find it," Silas teased her.

"How much are you willing to bet? Because I'm over ninety percent certain that it's in your left back pocket right now," Elspeth told him. Silas' eyes widened for a second, giving himself away before he suddenly took off out of the courtyard, Elspeth excused herself to go after him. Harry and Milo exchanged smiles as they were left alone before Milo decided to open up some dialogue between the two.

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