Chapter Forty-One

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Everything things seemed to go to hell in such a short span of time that Milo didn't know what to do and if he was being honest, he didn't want to do anything about it. He understood that Harry was going to be upset, discovering that Sirius was his godfather was a tough pill to swallow considering the man that the reputation of being a traitorous murderer. Obviously, the boy already suspected that Milo knew, which caused another rift between the brothers, but Milo didn't care in that moment. He understood why, but honestly, he was so tired of the back and forth between him and his brother that he was just going to allow this one to play itself out accordingly.

Harry could be upset all he wanted about the idea of people trying to protect him from the cold harsh truth or he could learn how to open his eyes just a little wider to see why people did the things they did in order to protect him. It didn't matter, Milo knew that Harry was going to be safe while he sorted things out. In fact, the boy's concern was with Elspeth, he had yet to see the woman since the incident, which was unusual since he normally caught a glimpse of the woman around the castle. Although if she decided to leave, he honestly couldn't blame her, it was a lot of pressure at hand and he had to wonder if she was aware that Sirius was actually still around. 

Had she spoken with him? Seen him? Sirius had to have at least seen her once since hiding away on the castle grounds, she patrolled them often with the Dementors nearby. It would probably make things complicated for them to talk for more than a couple of minutes since her affiliation was with the Ministry. 

But finally, the boy caught sight of her outside of the courtyard one morning in between classes, and he decided to make his way over to her, even if it meant turning up late to his mother's class. He jumped over the small wall that separated them, but the landing was less than graceful as Milo hit the ground, but he did manage to land on his feet after he rolled once.

"Milo!" Elspeth let out a chuckle at the scene she had just witnessed. The woman made her way over and began brushing off the boy's robes as they were covered with the light snow that had covered the castle grounds. "Shouldn't you be inside getting ready for your class?"

"I needed to talk to you," Milo informed her, "can we go for a walk?"

She glanced around, looking as though she was debating whether or not to agree but after a few seconds, Elspeth nodded her head. "Yes, come on," she said leading the way. 

Of course, Milo didn't think he was going to actually get that far, at least to have her agree to a walk but now that he was in her company, he wasn't sure how to start off the conversation.

"I saw you in the Three Broomsticks," she figured she would start the conversation apparently, "you and Harry, hiding behind the Christmas tree with Ron and Hermione. The fact that no one else noticed a Christmas tree with that many sets of legs is beyond me, but maybe I'm just overly observant because of my job."

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