Chapter Twenty-Six

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Milo reentered the castle and prayed that his absence went unnoticed because if his mother found out or anyone else did for that matter, there was going to be quite a bit of drama. However, at the same time, Milo was practically beside him, unsure how to mentally process everything that had happened out in the Forbidden Frest. There Sirius was, looking more than half-starved, partially delusional as he mistaken Milo for a man that had been dead for over twelve years, and overall, just trying to figure out a way to prove his innocence so he could go back to living his life the way he had originally intended. Smacking his forehead, Milo realised that he should have asked Sirius if he had come up with any sort of plan, but it would have to wait for another time.

He needed Sirius in better condition, mentally and physically, right now, Milo thought it was more important to actually get some food for the man. He wasn't going to last much longer outside if he didn't take care of himself. Milo had a soft spot for animals and considering Sirius was technically a dog, he could just simply play it off as him helping an animal in need, rather than helping a Ministry fugitive. He thought about finding Elspeth and telling her what was going on, but that was risky business as well, considering she was normally around the dementors. 

Milo couldn't go to Remus either as he was among the many that believed that Sirius had committed the crime. But Milo had to wonder what had taken place between the friendship of the two that would possess Remus to believe that Sirius would do such a thing? Obviously, the two of them were close enough to James that he had named both of them godfathers of his children. If anything, if someone was bitter towards James, it was probably Peter, considering he was more like a fourth wheel in what Milo had witnessed. However, Remus wasn't a stupid man, so he had to have his reasonings as to why he believed it was Sirius and Milo hoped to get an answer out of him soon.

"Alright, Paden, you and I have to agree that none of this will be spoken about to anyone, do you understand?" Milo asked the bowtruckle. "We have to keep this between ourselves for the time being. It's the best thing we can do until we sort this all out, one false move and we know what can happen and I can't let him go back without knowing the truth behind it all."

Paden let out a chirp, not fully agreeing with Milo, mainly because they really didn't know Sirius. For all he knew, the man could have easily been manipulating Milo to get what he wanted. Maybe it wasn't a happy reunion, maybe it was all a plot to get closer to Milo and Harry, even Elspeth and Silas in their most vulnerable moments to initiate an attack.

"I understand your concerns, Paden, but right now, I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt. He's weak right now and pretty much defenceless, which means we're in control. If we go through life distrusting everyone, no one will ever come to trust us because they'll always wonder what we're hiding. Now... we need to agree on this, alright? Shake on it?"

Paden let out a series of noises but reluctantly stuck out one of his long limbs for Milo to take in between his fingers gently and give it a standard shake. Milo smiled, thankful to have Paden to confide in as it gave him someone to talk to, he honestly couldn't go to anyone else with the situation except for Elspeth because he knew he and his godmother were at least on the same page. 

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