Chapter Five

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Milo laid awake in his bed, the sounds of Cedric snoring in the bed next to his echoing through his bedroom. It had been a nice day spent in Diagon Alley with Elspeth as the woman allowed the boys to roam around freely and anything they wanted was on her as she encouraged them several times during the day. Cedric only wanted to buy something small and cheap as he didn't feel very comfortable with the woman buy him anything. Milo, on the other hand, felt like he was reading far too into the situation and believing that Elspeth was attempting to spoil the boys, probably wishing that either one of them was Silas in those moments. But that wasn't what was keeping Milo up that evening as he remained awake.

His mother had been working late and by the time that she arrived home, she looked awfully tired. Of course, she wanted to sit down and talk to Milo about what concerns he had that he had mentioned in his letter, but Milo knew she needed sleep. So he directed his mother to her bedroom and tucked the woman in before making his way back to his room. He had promised that they would talk in the morning. 

However, Milo was wide awake because as soon as the clock had hit midnight, his little brother had turned thirteen years old and Milo wasn't there in person to wish Harry a happy birthday.  He, of course, had already planned on sending a birthday card along with a package full of all sorts of goodies that he had picked for Harry and to his surprise, Hedwig showed up the McGonagall household. Apparently, the young owl wanted to make sure that Harry wouldn't go without something for his birthday. While Milo sent the owl off, he wasn't sure if his brother was going to receive it, mainly because Harry had once again been confined to the Dursley household and had to live under their rules. As much as Milo didn't like it and as much as Minerva wanted to step in and help, they simply couldn't. Dumbledore had made it clear that Harry under all circumstances had to call Privet Drive his home. 

He didn't understand the reasoning behind Dumbledore's orders, nor was he given an explanation either. Milo was just expected to accept that it was his brother's fate to live with such miserable beings during the summers. It made no sense to him and apparently, Dumbledore wanted to keep it that way because even his mother was quite clueless as to why Harry had to remain there, or at least, that was the face she put on. Milo didn't care who knew what and when they learned it, all he wanted was for his brother to be happy and obviously, Harry couldn't be happy about bringing in his thirteenth birthday in the company the Dursleys.

It shouldn't have been that way, not at all. The brothers should have been celebrating their birthdays together, spending their time together through the summers, and being way closer than what they were. But then again, Milo had to wonder how things would have been different if things didn't work out the way they way they did. Would he be as close to Minerva? Would he and Cedric be where they were? Would he have been sorted into Hufflepuff? Milo wasn't sure and as his mind continued to wander he found himself more and more awake. 

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