Chapter Eleven

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Once Silas had put aside his anger towards his mother, he and Elspeth seemed to get along without a problem as Milo remained in their company. In fact, the boy was beyond friendly when it came to the two, it seemed that he just wanted to spend as much time around his mother and Milo as possible. He was an early riser, something that Milo and Elspeth were not, but to keep the boy happy, they put their want to sleep in aside to spend the day with him. Hogwarts was starting up and yet, the boy was already making plans for Christmas. He definitely wanted to spend in Hogsmeade with his mother and Elspeth seemed more than delighted at the idea. 

However, Milo couldn't help but feel envious, Silas was younger and he was making all the effort in the world to reconnect with his mother and she was doing the same for him. She had made a mistake and while they had their problems before, it seemed the two of them were willing to look past that in order to move forward with their lives. Milo wished he could say it was the case between him and his brother, but it seemed that Harry was holding onto the grudge with an iron fist. No matter how many letters Milo sent to the boy apologising as well as telling Harry that he was willing to explain further, Harry ignored each and every one of them. 

Yes, Milo could admit that he made a mistake, multiple mistakes actually, by withholding the truth from Harry, but he didn't do out of malicious intent. He didn't want to hurt Harry, he was only trying to protect the boy. Harry, on the other hand, had withheld information from Milo for the sake of just not wanting to get in trouble when it came to school. Milo had to believe that there was a vast difference. Did he really want to spoil the start of his brother's term with a surprise "hey, your godfather is a mass murderer," and rub that into his face when Harry learned that once again, his older brother got the better end of the deal?

Maybe he didn't go about it the right way, but Harry couldn't really hold a grudge against him without looking like a hypocrite himself. They were both guilty of keeping information from each other, for their own personal reasons, the difference was, Milo wanted to move forward with it all, Harry wanted to stay angry. 

But to distract himself from the misery of losing his brother and Cedric's friendship and more in one day, Milo turned back to his animagi training. Once he was in the company of Fred, George, and Lee, they had plenty of work that definitely involved sneaking around the castle and the grounds. Not to mention, he and Paden were expecting a visit that left Milo not caring about anything else in that moment except what Newt Scamander had written in his most recent of letters to the boy.

Dear Milo,

Hope all is well with you. I wanted to inform you that I will be making a visit up to the castle grounds at some point during the year, on behalf of one of my good friends. I hope during this time that the two of us could meet up. I am curious to see how Paden is doing and I look forward to meeting you. 

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