Chapter Thirteen

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By the time that the girls had settled down Milo and got him to explain the situation he was in, the lavatory had become completely silent. Judging by the lack of noise in corridors outside, they could only assume the Sorting Ceremony had come to an end as they no longer heard the sounds of applause and cheer. In fact, it was so quiet that Milo could only hear the faint sound of everyone breathing that was inside the girl's lavatory. Heidi and Max were speechless for the time being as Milo had blurted everything out during his state of panic. While it felt good to get it off his chest once more when it came to the pain that he was feeling with Cedric, he also wanted to take to drowning himself in the nearest toilet for actually telling someone. Cedric had been okay with Milo informing his mother, but he had made it clear that he really didn't want anyone else to know. 

Max and Heidi were their best friends and Milo trusted them more than anything, even after a little spat with Max the year prior, there was practically nothing that would destroy his trust in them. He knew they wouldn't say anything, Max had her own way of keeping her love life quiet because of her relationship with another girl. So Milo knew he could trust them, but he knew in a way, he had betrayed his promise to Cedric about keeping it quiet. However, it felt so good to get it off his chest once more, between all the drama he had been facing, it felt like a Mountain Troll had taken up residence of sitting on his chest. Now he could breathe again, although his throat hurt quite a bit from his staggered breathing earlier. 

"I mean, I always suspected it in some sense," Heidi was the first to speak, "but I actually didn't think I was right about all of it."

"Trust me, Heidi, it came as a shock to me too. At first, I didn't know what it was that I was feeling and then, it started coming together," Milo sighed. "It doesn't matter now though. I basically told Cedric that I don't even want to be his friend."

"I'm sure you can fix that, Milo," Max told him softly, "I'm sure if you tell Cedric that it was just a mistake and you want to be friends-"

"But I don't want to be just friends," Milo interjected. "That's the problem, neither one of us want to be just friends. We would just be lying to one another if we claimed that was the case, but it would be just as awkward pretending there's nothing there between us."

The girls didn't know what to say or what to offer as advice as Milo seemed to be stuck between a rock and a hard place when it came to Cedric. The boys clearly wanted to be around each other but they couldn't be around each other without their feelings getting in the way. But Cedric didn't want to have Milo keeping it all a secret because he felt like it was unfair to Milo that he was being a "coward." There was no easy way out of the situation, either Cedric was going to have to be honest and face the more than likely backlash from his parents and possibly others that didn't agree with it, or he was going to have to bottle up how he truly felt for however long.

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