Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Since Cho Chang caught them in the locker room, Cedric had been nothing short of an emotional mess, not sure whether the girl was going to say something or not, even if it was to just her own friends. She had reassured him that it was none of her business, but it still didn't make Cedric feel comfortable, he was worried, even if Milo wasn't. Milo was the lucky one of the two as he had found only support so far, whether it was with Professor McGonagall or Elspeth, people that cared about him were happy for him with any decision he made. But Cedric couldn't say the same, even those that were supposed to love him no matter what didn't even show their support, so he didn't expect really anyone else to.

Milo was fine, on the other hand, he really didn't seem bothered by the idea of Cho knowing or if he was, he concealed it quite well. But he carried on as usual and Cedric was hardly seeing him around the dorms or the common room. He often seemed to be busy with Fred, George, and Lee. He knew Milo was close with them but did he really have to spend that much time around the other boys?

Suddenly, Cedric froze as he was coming out of the showers that evening, swallowing hard as he realised it was suddenly his turn to experience the bite of the jealousy bug. He knew Milo was not attracted to Fred or George or Lee, but the idea of him spending all that time around them, openly having fun, smiling and laughing, now Cedric was feeling what Milo felt and it didn't seem so silly anymore. Of course, his feelings of jealousy just had to come at the moment when he was dealing with enough drama.

Milo wasn't there to confront either and now Cedric was worried about the possibility that he was driving Milo away with his insecurities. He couldn't have that, not again. So it was all up to Cedric to sort it out on his own as he got dressed back in the dorm room. As he sat down, he had to think to himself, what was going to happen when eventually the entire school found out? Milo had told him numerous times that he didn't have to worry, even if people didn't support it, they weren't going to try and start anything and if they did, well they were stupid.

After all, Cedric wasn't exactly pint-sized, he and Oliver were the two biggest quidditch players between the four house teams. Not to mention, there wasn't a soul in Hogwarts that didn't fear McGonagall out of respect and she was fiercely protective over her son, so if someone was willing to start trouble with Milo over Cedric or the other way around, there was nothing that could save them from her wrath.

Milo was leaving it up to Cedric about who they were informing and when, so when Cedric ventured down to the common room and found Heidi and Max arguing over Potions homework, he found his opportunity. Shakily, he made his way over to the where the two girls were sitting and sat across from them, folding his legs beneath him. It took a solid five minutes for one of them to notice the third presence that had joined them where they were sitting.

Finally, Heidi looked over as she was turning away from Max in frustration, only to see Cedric sitting there patiently. She let out a startled screech, not even realising that the boy had been there the entire time.

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