Chapter Seventy-Five

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Milo still felt as though he was on the brink of death in many ways because even though Athena seemed to tend to the sealing of his wound, he was still in a bad place with the rest of his body. Remus had done quite the number on him without being aware of it and Milo hated the idea of his godfather finding out. It was bad enough that the man hated himself already because he was infected, but if he found out that he had hurt Milo, he would probably never ever forgive himself. He didn't know where Athena was taking him to meet the rest of the families or the gods and goddesses that were meant to be gathered, but he had so many thoughts racing through his mind he didn't know where to begin.

Peter had been left behind and the last Milo saw of him, the man didn't seem to be in good standings at all. He wondered if Peter was actually going to survive the night, after all, guilt washed over Milo as he didn't anticipate possibly paralysing the man from the waist down. In a frantic rush to stop Peter from escaping rather than face the punishment for his crimes, Milo thought he was only going to crush the man's legs in hopes that would deter him from escaping. He had certainly accomplished that, but Milo was left feeling more troubled as Peter had attempted to save his life, while pleading for James to forgive him. 

Milo wasn't sure what he would have done if someone had held the threat of killing his mother over his head. Would he have chosen to do the same thing as Peter to spare his mother's life, even if it meant bringing others pain? It was conflicting but not as conflicting as the thoughts racing around the idea of the new scar on his neck.

His fingers continued to graze over it and while he wanted to ask, he wasn't sure if he wanted the answer to his question. Had Remus bitten him or scratched him? Regardless, the marking was always going to be there, but if Milo had bitten, it meant that he was going to face the same fate as his godfather. He too would become a werewolf. The boy nervously swallowed as Athena came to a sudden halt in a clearing and lowered him down from her arms to stand. He glanced around to see they were in the middle of nowhere, but before he could ask if it was some sort of joke, everything around him suddenly became a blur.

In an instant, he was still in the same forest, but others had appeared before him, some faces he recognised among the many he didn't. However, there was one face he instantly recognised and despite all the pain in his body, he abandoned Athena's side and raced forward.


Minerva stood on the other side of the clearing, looking absolutely mortified by the scene of her son's shirt drenched in blood, not to mention the awkward gait of his run revealed that he was terribly injured, but it didn't stop him from pushing himself to run to her. However, while his mind was determined, Milo's body was begging him to stop and since he wasn't listening, it decided to take matters into his own hands.

He collapsed to the ground, all the eyes of the gathered fell upon him, some moving forward but they paused as the boy shakily pushed himself up to reach his mother.

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