Chapter Eighty

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Milo couldn't convince Remus to stay and teach at Hogwarts, the man's stubbornness and fears won out that battle, but he did convince the man to remain close for the sake of his family

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Milo couldn't convince Remus to stay and teach at Hogwarts, the man's stubbornness and fears won out that battle, but he did convince the man to remain close for the sake of his family. Remus agreed not to run off and disappear, that he would stay where he could be found. He still left on the carriage but with the promise that he was going to St. Mungo's shortly after to see how Elspeth and Sirius were fairing. That was a good enough answer for Milo as he was left with a bright smile on his face returning inside the castle. He could hear students, older and younger than himself giggling as he walked through the corridors barefoot and in his pyjamas, but he didn't care. 

After the pure hell that the family members of their newly formed family had been put through, they needed some things to go right. With the darkness approaching that the Fates had offered the warning about, it was clear that they needed to produce their own light and the only way they were going to do that was by sticking together. Milo had managed to get Remus to stay and that was what really mattered to the boy.

There was truth to his words when he told Remus that he had picked the man as his godfather for a reason. Of course, Milo didn't know his reasoning back when he was a baby, he didn't understand why he attached himself to Remus, but it honestly didn't matter because he had made the right decision. Remus had become the father figure in his life that Milo needed and now that Sirius had returned, Harry was gaining one more fatherly figure in his that the boy desperately needed. He already had Hagrid and Arthur Weasley, but now he was going to gain a family of sorts if Dumbledore permitted it. 

"Milo! Milo!"

By now the entire school was more than likely aware of what had taken place the night before or at least, they knew the details outside of the alliance with the gods, but that was more than enough for an outsider to handle. The Daily Prophet had the word about Sirius Black actually proven to be innocent as Peter Pettigrew had been taken into custody and it was all published on the front page.

With the map rolled up and in hand, Milo turned around to see Silas racing towards him and for a second, Milo's heart skipped a beat. Several times during the previous night, Milo's mind had wandered to the younger boy, wondering how Silas was going to react to all the news. After all, the boy still wasn't aware that it was his father's photos that had graced the front pages of the Daily Prophet for months. All of the headlines painting Sirius as the villain and now they had taken a drastic turn, Milo was sure the boy was going to be left with conflicting feelings about the entire matter once he learned the truth.

"I heard you were in the hospital wing and Merlin!" The boy's eyes widened and he let out a gasp as his hand clapped over the front of his chest. For a second, it was like having a tiny Sirius standing before Milo that brought Milo to suppress a giggle. He had a feeling that once Silas received the truth and got over the shock of the situation, that he and Sirius were going to get along just fine.

"I'm fine, Silas," Milo reassured him, "it's healing up nicely."

Actually, Milo had no idea if his scarring looked better, mainly because as soon as he had woken up in the Hospital Wing, he booked it in order to find Remus.

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