Chapter Fifty-Three

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Milo came to the conclusion that there was a possibility that George was right and his happy memory of Paden, simply wasn't enough as much as it pained him to think such a thing. He adored Paden, seeing as the bowtruckle was his first pet and he was hardly seen as a pet anymore within the McGonagall family. His own mother treated the bowtruckle as if he were a little boy or something along the lines. However, Milo wasn't going to tell Paden that he was replacing the memory, it would only hurt the bowtruckles feelings. 

But it wasn't like any of the other memories Milo had chosen were doing him any good either. He had chosen the first time he had met Newt Scamander because it made him cry tears of joy literally. That managed to spark a bigger patronus but still, it did not produce a form, leaving Mil at his wit's end. Unfortunately, it was becoming harder to work on his patronus form as well, mainly because he no longer had the map.

His dormmates had returned from the holidays and they were probably going to have plenty of questions if Milo was throwing out "Expecto patronum" left and right within the dorms. It would probably attract the attention of other prefects outside of Cedric and he didn't want to get in trouble for that either. Cedric was allowing him to get away with plenty, but Milo didn't want to put any more pressure on the boy to keep covering for him, that wasn't fair to Cedric at all. Without the map, Milo found himself stuck, he knew the location of many of the places, but he couldn't always determine if the path to those locations was clear because he didn't have the map and he didn't have the Invisibility Cloak. 

Of course, Harry had it, and probably after him "discovering" that Sirius Black was a murderer and also his godfather, Milo didn't seem him making many trips to Hogsmeade. The boy was beginning to regret his decision of handing over the map, mainly because it was his map to have. No offence to Harry, but if he had the Invisibility Cloak, the map rightfully had to be passed down to Milo. Unless the last two creators of the map wanted claim over it, so far Remus didn't seem interested in having it in his possession again, but Milo wondered if Sirius would?

It didn't matter at the moment, Milo just wished he had the map and was tempted to ask for it back, even though it was actually Fred and George who had handed it over. He also noted that Harry had made no mention of the map to Milo either. It had been in his possession since before Christmas time, and still, even after the two Potter brothers had made amends once more, Harry hadn't mentioned it once. Then again it was hypocritical to hold Harry to such a standard when even Milo hadn't told Harry about the map and who made it. 

Milo just really wanted the map back, he felt terrible for giving it up in the first place, thinking it was going to protect Harry. But with the boy having lessons with Remus, it seemed he didn't have to give it up in the first place to protect himself against the dementors and while he wasn't aware of the situation, he didn't have to use it to protect himself against Sirius Black. 

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