Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Cedric knew exactly what Milo needed to cheer up from all the drama that seemed to surround him in the recent day, and that was a nice trip to Hogsmeade

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Cedric knew exactly what Milo needed to cheer up from all the drama that seemed to surround him in the recent day, and that was a nice trip to Hogsmeade. But it was just going to be the two of them, which seemed to brighten Milo's day, even more, when Cedric offered it. Well, there would be a third wheel tagging along, but the two weren't going to be bothered by Paden. The bowtruckle needed to get out and stretch his legs as well. So they took a quieter route to Hogsmeade to avoid anyone trampling the little creature. Milo was thinking about the trial that Hagrid and Buckbeak had left for, nervous how that was going to turn out. 

Then there was the whole deal that Hermione had approached him about that morning. She and the boys still weren't on good terms, especially after she threatened to go to Milo's mother if Harry attempted to sneak out to Hogsmeade. What Harry and Ron still failed to understand was she wasn't doing anything out of malice, it was simply because she cared about them. Even if Ron was angry with her and her cat, it wasn't like she suddenly stopped caring about their well-being. 

Suddenly, he felt two strong hands grab the side of his head, causing him to let out a pitiful squeak as he crashed right into Cedric's chest. He wasn't even paying attention to his surroundings because he didn't even notice Cedric jump out in front of him a few seconds prior. But before Milo could ask the other boy what he was doing, Cedric started to shake him playfully.

"Stop thinking about it! Stop thinking about whatever it is you're thinking about!" Cedric said and continued to shake Milo until he earned a giggle out of him. 

"What if I was thinking about a good thing?" Milo questioned and finally, Cedric's shaking came to a pause and he gave Milo a suspicious look.

"What were you thinking about then?"

"About myself," Milo smiled cheekily, only to find himself the victim of Cedric's shaking again. Quickly, he called out for mercy, claiming that he was only joking. "What if I was thinking about you?"

Ha! Milo's idea certainly seemed to work that time as Cedric suddenly turned red in the face and his hands dropped down to his sides. Now that he had Cedric feeling flustered, he felt quite triumphant in those moments, especially since it was usually the other way around as of late. Cedric knew exactly what to do or say to get a flustered reaction out of Milo, but, oh, how the tables had turned. 

"You think you're really cute, don't you?"

"Well, I've been known to-"

Suddenly, the smile and the triumphant feeling faded as Milo's eyes widened behind his frames and he was faced with Cedric approaching him. He could still see the playful nature written across the smirk on the older boy's face, however, he knew what to expect. As competitive as his boyfriend was, Milo knew he was going to be faced with Cedric's personal challenge to leave him flustered.

"What's wrong, Handsome?" Cedric let out a low chuckle. "You seem nervous?"

"W-wh-who m-me?" Milo pointed to himself as he took several steps back to match Cedric's advancing ones. "Why would I be n-nervous?"

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