Chapter Seventy-Eight

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The truth behind a twelve year old crime revealed

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The truth behind a twelve year old crime revealed.

A prisoned man freed.

A free man imprisoned.

A werewolf attack.

A reunion.

An alliance formed with gods.

A wedding.

And one hell of a story to tell.

Those were only a few events of the evening, but the most important that stood out to Milo as the evening was coming to an end. He couldn't believe anything that was happening around him because it seemed they hadn't taken part in any of it. While they were away with the gods and goddesses, it was almost as if their lives had been moving on auto-pilot. The events around them were still going on even if they were consciously present for it. The gods and goddesses had controlled the events around them in their absence, bringing them back when everything had been taken care of.

Elspeth had been honoured once more as the person who brought in the accused to justice with no assistance. She had brought Peter directly to Fudge and the wizard had no means of escape as he had the wand in hand disarmed. He couldn't move regardless as his lower half was indeed paralysed, crushed during all the chaos. It was in that moment that he knew he had been caught, he couldn't run anymore, he couldn't escape, it was all over. After twelve years, it was all over, the gig was up. He confessed right then and there, and he didn't have a problem confessing to his crimes once again in the face of the Minister himself. 

He was hoping that in his confession, he would find some peace for what he had done. After all, after everything he had put Harry and Milo through, they still wished to spare his life. Milo had nearly lost his life attempting to protect him from Remus and he realised that the two young boys had no fear when it came to putting themselves at risk for those they loved. He had to take an example from them and he found himself in the custody of the Aurors as Elspeth handed him over.

It was odd because Elspeth nor anyone around had shown any signs of emotion until Fudge and Dumbledore were present in front of them. Suddenly, they were reacting to everything that had occurred that night. They looked to be in pure shock, Elspeth seemed confused as to why her boss was shaking her hand and why the other Aurors were congratulating her. Minerva and Pomona were completely speechless, silently exchanging glances with each other in the Entrance Hall. 

Sirius had demanded his apology and the Ministry could bet they were going to be in for one hell of a ride when it came to having to compensate the man for what he had been through. However, while Fudge and Dumbledore offered their sincerest apologies, Milo wasn't buying it, at least on Dumbledore's behalf. There was something about the lack of smile and the lack of relief on the man's face that left Milo uneasy. 

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