Chapter Sixty-One

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Milo probably shouldn't have been as nervous as he claimed to be, especially since Murcus was oddly impressed by his ability to speak mermish. He was a little rusty with the accent, but otherwise, it came across clear and she understood what he was trying to say. However, in order to master the accent of mermish, especially those of the Black Lake, Milo needed to develop the whistly aspect of the dialect. Unfortunately, Murcus didn't understand that Milo couldn't whistle. She made several whistly sounds trying to get him to copy her, but each time, she was met with him just blowing air in her face. Minerva could only watch on in amusement as the Merchieftainess continued to grow frustrated with his lake of whistling. 

"Ffa bi shaahii,Dehiifaa!" She flicked the boy on the forehead causing Milo to yelp out and rub his head.

"Excuse me, but there is no need for name calling!" Milo told the mermaid before he grumbled and stepped back out of the cold water. He glanced over to his mother, who nodded her head in the direction of Murcus.

"What did she say?"

Milo made a pouting face. "She said I frustrate her and I can't say the other word she said because I'm not allowed to use that sort of language in front of anyone."

Despite the fact that his mermish wasn't perfect, just being able to converse with one of the members of the Black Lake was enough for him. But actually being able to share a conversation with the Merchieftainess was an experience he would never forget. Hopefully, it wasn't the only chance he had, he was going to keep working on his whistle in hopes of perfecting his accent so if the opportunity presented itself again, he wouldn't leave Murcus frustrated beyond belief.

"Well, I am sorry that it did not work out as planned," Minerva began as the two began the walk back up towards the castle as it was quite cold outside. Milo turned to his mother with a confused look, completely puzzled as to why she was apologising, since it had been one of the most amazing gifts.

"Mum, you have nothing to be sorry about, that was amazing. Maybe not for Murcus, but I certainly enjoyed all of it. It just means that I have to keep working harder in order to nail that whistly sound. I can appreciate a little constructive criticism."

"Only you would see forehead flicking as constructive criticism, Milo," the woman sighed with a small smile. "Do you have any other plans to spend your birthday?"

"Er, well, Cedric and the others told me to be in the Hufflepuff Common Room by four for my present, at least, that's what the little note said that was left on my nightstand this morning. But other than that, I'm free for the day. Why?"

"Well, it's your birthday, Milo, and as your mother, I would like to spend it with you and I know some people that have missed you quite a bit as well."

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