Chapter Ten

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When Minerva returned home from work, she didn't expect all hell to break loose during the short time she had been gone. To find that Harry had left to the Leaky Cauldron and Cedric had returned home, she couldn't even begin to imagine what had gone on while she was up at the school. However, Milo didn't seem to be at all in the mood to discuss it. In fact, he seemed beyond furious as he remained in his bedroom. The woman actually had to hear from Elspeth what had happened as the younger woman had taken to blaming herself for all the troubles that had been unleashed. She had accidentally revealed to Harry about being his godmother and it had only led him to bombard her with so many questions. Quite frankly, she wouldn't be surprised if both boys gated her for the time being.

The two Potters were both in their right to be upset, Harry had been kept in the dark about a lot of things in his life, but it wasn't Milo's fault. Milo had wanted to reach out to his brother for so long, but between the Dursleys and Dumbledore, it wasn't doable. He wanted to share the fact that he had come into contact with their godmother but it would raise even more questions for the boy and Minerva understood that Milo did not like to be the bearer of bad news. Who in their right mind wanted to tell a young boy shortly after his birthday that his godfather was a mass murderer that had destroyed their family?

Milo was trying to protect Harry in the only way he knew how and he wasn't just protecting Harry, he had been protecting Elspeth and Silas at the same time, due to their relationship with Sirius. On top of that, he was carrying the secret that had been weighing him down for quite some time. He couldn't express his true feelings about Cedric because Cedric wanted him to keep it a secret. All the stress from the amount of pressure that he was putting on himself became too much and Milo had enough. Minerva didn't want it to happen but she figured at some point that it would, Milo was bound to explode at one point and unfortunately, it just came at a horrible time. 

She saw how excited he had been about spending the summer with Cedric and Harry, the constant visits with Elspeth since Remus was 'M.I.A' for the time being. It's all the boy ever wanted, to have all the people he cared about around him. But now he was putting the blame on himself that he had ruined everything. His brother wanted nothing to do with him and he had cut off his friendship with Cedric, leaving them as nothing more than two students in the same house and on the same quidditch team. 

He kept to himself in his room, reading most of the hours of the day away, and tending to Paden. Minerva tried to talk to him about it, multiple times, but he simply brushed it off, claiming he was fine. She didn't want to keep pushing him but she knew that he was the furthest thing from fine in that moment. Minerva didn't understand when it became a standard for people to hide behind smiles, but between Milo and Elspeth, she wished that they wouldn't hide the pain they were carrying. Mainly because with the pain being bottled up and having no place to go, it was eating away at them internally. They didn't understand that emotional wounds were much harder to heal than physical wounds because magic couldn't be used to fix them. 

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