Chapter Fourteen

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Milo wasn't even the one that Artemis had described as tainted, but he felt directly insulted and defensive over his little brother. What had Harry done that had caused his blood to be considered tainted by the goddess, if anything, he had been dealt the short end of the stick when it came to their lives but for the most part, Milo thought he was handling himself quite well. Meaning, Harry could have turned out to be a lot worse but he managed to stay strong through it all. So what was Artemis basing her reasoning off of and was it possible that Milo could change her mind? Apparently, she was quite aware of what he was planning on doing as he heard her let out a light laugh.

"Already trying to convince me otherwise without knowing my own reasoning," she said, bringing Milo to look shamefully down at the ground. It was one thing to be called out, but to be called out by a goddess, it was far more embarrassing.

"H-he's my brother," Milo told her, "I would do anything for him."

"And would he do the same for you?" Artemis countered. Her voice didn't sound malicious, instead, she merely seemed curious about his thoughts on the matter. Milo looked up at her for a few moments, trying to read her expression and gather if she was attempting to hint at something, but her face remained still and she remained quiet waiting for his answer.

"As of right now, I honestly don't think so, but I believe if the circumstances were different-"

"Meaning, perhaps if you close to death again, he would see it as fit to be by your side?"

Milo wasn't a fan of whatever game she was attempting to play. He didn't want his brother to be viewed in a poor light because of what he had done and Harry had managed to figure out. He believed his brother had every right to be angry and even when they weren't fighting, the two still weren't nearly as close, time apartment had managed to bring about those results.

"Harry is upset with me due to my own doing, I kept the secrets from him-"

"And he has never kept a secret from you before that you had to discover on your own?"

"He's not tainted!" Milo said angrily, frustrated that he couldn't argue what Artemis was dishing out, to make matters worse, she was so calm in her approach that it left him feeling even more flustered in the debate. "He's young and life has been unfair to him."

"And how long will he dwell on that mentality, Milo? How long will he lean on that crutch? There are many born into unfair lives, what makes it so that others can move past it while others feed off it?"

The boy in his stag form simply stared at the goddess, he didn't know what she wanted him to say. 

"He's only a child," Milo whispered finally, " and it was a lot for him to take in. He shouldn't be punished for any of this. He's not tainted, he's merely lost. If you consider his blood tainted, then that means mine is just as well."

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