Chapter Seventy

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During the struggle, Harry was able to get a hold of a wand and had it pointed directly at Sirius' chest as if he was actually contemplating taking the man's life. "Harry, stop," Milo whispered to him as he remained on the floor with Elspeth in his hold. Cedric sat up with a puzzled expression as he looked around and saw that he was in a completely different area and there were a lot more people present. However, the situation did not present itself to be a good one at all as Elspeth was there unconscious in Milo's arms, Sirius Black was there with Harry pointing his wand at the man, Ron was bleeding and Hermione looked like she was going to pass out at any given second from the stress.

"What the fu-"

"You killed my parents," Harry's voice became quieter but his hand was shaking as he wasn't going to let Sirius move. Sirius didn't seem all that upset that he had a wand pointed at him in a threatening manner, he seemed more upset as he glanced over in the direction of where Elspeth and Milo were. He swallowed before turning back to Harry. 

"I don't deny it, but if you knew the whole story...."

"The whole story?' The boy's voice was shaking with fury as he jerked his hand with the wand, his eyes watering with angry tears. "You sold them to Voldemort. That's all I need to know."

"You've got to listen to me," Sirius told him, "You'll regret it if you don't... You don't understand..."

"I understand a lot better than you think. You never heard her, did you? Our mum...," Suddenly, Harry stopped himself before looking in Milo's direction with disgust. " My mum....trying to stop Voldemort killing me... and you did that... you did it..."

"Harry, shut up!" Milo growled at him, his brother daring to turn things on him. "You don't know what you're talking about and now you just sound and look stupid. For once in your life, just listen! You are so set on getting people to listen to you when you have something to say but you never listen to other people! Lower the bloody wand and listen to what he has to say instead of jumping to conclusions all the time!"

"Why should I listen when you never tell me anything?!" Harry spat back at him. "I am always the last to find out-"

"Because this is how you react! Why do you think people keep things from you? Your response is always horrible! You don't try to listen, you just go with the first thing that comes to mind, this is why no one tells you anything, including me!"

Cedric moved off the sofa, unsure if he was actually witnessing a sibling fight in the middle of such an intense moment. He slowly made his way to Milo's side, watching as Harry's eyes widened, believing that Cedric was also in on the entire thing. It was just getting messier by the moment. 

However, during the tense moment, Crookshanks make his way across the room and climbed onto Sirius' chest, digging his claws into the man's robes, refusing to be moved. Hary had to decide whether to actually take out Crookshanks in order to get to Sirius and it looked as though he was honestly contemplating it.

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