Chapter Six

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"So, let me get this straight," Milo began as he sat with Harry in the kitchen at the table. Minerva and Cedric, once he woke up from all the commotion, decided to give the brothers some privacy to discuss things over. Elspeth had to step out for a bit after dropping Harry off but promised to be back later, after all, Harry was now left in her care under Fudge's direct orders. Would Sirius Black really go after Harry Potter, knowing the Auror that had captured him was the now the one overlooking him? Fudge highly doubted it, but the man was completely unaware of the true story behind it all, in fact, there were only two people that knew the true story of what happened that evening and that was Sirius Black and Elspeth Hayes. 

"You blew up this Marge woman literally and then you left...caught the Knight Bus and Fudge found you," Milo was completely bewildered by the tale, but at the same time, he was also relieved and impressed. Relieved that Harry was out of the hell hole called the Dursley household and impressed on how it left the state of the household before leaving. Not to mention, Fudge had let him off the hook with something as little as a warning, not even a slap on the wrist. 

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered to his brother, " I didn't think I had much of a choice-"

"Harry, you don't have to apologise!" Milo laughed at the boy's apologetic features. "I think what you did is great! From you told me about this Marge woman, she deserved it!"

"Milo!" Minerva's voice called from the other room, causing all the teenaged boys in the household to flinch. "We do not encourage that type of behaviour under this roof, do we?"

"Sorry, Mum," Milo called over his shoulder before turning back to Harry with a wink. Deep down, Milo knew his mother probably approved what Harry had done to the muggle woman, but she wouldn't encourage the behaviour, simply because she didn't want to see Harry get into trouble. It was sheer luck that the boy was able to get off so easily with Fudge, anyone else would have suffered through a hearing with the Ministry for performing magic outside of school underaged. 

Minerva couldn't stay long with the boys and she was trusting all of them to remain behaved while she left to the school. She prayed when she returned that her home would still be intact. She had contacted Gwen and Rosmerta, telling them to at least check in with the boys once throughout the day. She wasn't sure how late she would be working but three teenaged boys left alone, two the sons of one of the biggest pranksters in the history of Hogwarts, she was sure something was bound to happen even if she carried all the faith in the world in her son. 

The boys promised to behave but their smiles said otherwise, leaving the woman with a pale expression as she left the cottage. 

Milo had always waited for the moment to spend the summer time with his brother, he had dreamed about it actually, but when it came to actually having Harry in his company, he had no idea where to start. He didn't know what they should do first. The problem was, Harry looked awfully tired between the transition of leaving the Dursleys, catching the Knight Bus and heading to the Leaky Cauldron with Fudge, the boy was beyond exhausted. So rather than tending to his own selfish wishes of wanting to spend time with Harry, Milo offered the boy his bed so that Harry could get some sleep.

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