Chapter Seven

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Harry was confused by the welcoming nature of Elspeth, being invited into her home and having someone actually wanting to take care of him. He had enjoyed his day with Milo and Cedric, exploring the village of Hogsmeade. Of course, now he wouldn't feel so deprived when he wouldn't be able to attend during the school year, however, he would be missing out on going to the village when his friends went. He would probably be the only third year not permitting to go, but Milo seemed to catch on to the fact and decided to show every part of the village to him. It was a nice humble village, plenty of shops and housing compacted together as the village thrived off of sales especially when the students came to shop. 

They went into the Quidditch shop and for his birthday, Harry was told to pick out whatever he wanted from the shop. Initially, he was against the idea. Milo had already sent him items for his birthday and it was just unfortunate that he wasn't able to enjoy them since they were all at the Dursleys' residence. But his big brother insisted several times until Harry finally decided that a new pair of quidditch gloves couldn't hurt. 

It was nice to be in the company of Milo but Harry couldn't help but feel awkward around Cedric. Not to say that the boy wasn't being nice to him, Cedric came across as very kind, but obviously, the older two boys were a lot closer and shared an even closer friendship. Closer than Harry could imagine until it was practically spelt out for him in big letters. For some reason, to Harry, it felt like he was intruding in on a date as a third wheel. But he didn't mention anything, just thankful to be in the company of people outside of the Dursleys, especially one who really wanted his company. 

But the time came when Elspeth showed back up again to take him to her home to get him settled in. She had dinner for him, pub food, but it was a million times better than anything that the Dursleys left over by him. He said goodbye to Milo and Cedric, with the promise of seeing them the next day before he followed the woman. They didn't open up to the conversation right away, but she kept the same kind smile on her face. However, as they sat down at the small kitchen table, the awkward silence continued to loom over them. 

"S-so you're an Auror," Harry tried to start off the conversation, even though it was well established that she was an Auror, considering that's how she was introduced to him. 

"I am," she told him, "I went right into Auror training right after I left Hogwarts. I've been doing it for well over a decade's time now."

It was quiet for a few moments before Harry glanced up at her from his sandwich. "So that means you went to school around the same time as my parents, right?"

Elspeth seemed to choke on her forkful of food but she quickly lowered it to her container before meeting his gaze. "Yes, actually, Harry, I was good friends with your parents. I knew them quite well, even after we all left Hogwarts."

The woman could see the clear excitement on the boy's face and hear it in his voice at the sheer mentioning of his parents. The same look that Milo wore whenever Lily and James were mentioned in a conversation. She sighed, grabbing her fork and pushing her food around, unable to look at Harry in that moment. Milo had a strong resemblance to James but it was nowhere near Harry and the fact that he had the same eyes as his mother also added to her nerves as if she had the two friends looking directly at her. 

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