Chapter Twenty-One

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Milo wasn't sure if he had made the right decision, ignoring Cedric's request to speak with the boy. It's not like he actually wanted to continue on ignoring him, but if Cedric had plans for them to revert back to their old ways, Milo couldn't say that he wanted a part in it. Although if Cedric was about to inform him of some sort of good news, well, he had totally ruined that by standing him up in the Common Room. At the very least, Milo could say that the flowers that Newt Scamander helped him collected were watered and they would live a lot longer now that Milo had tended to them first. 

He was going to do his best to avoid Cedric the next morning as he didn't want to face the boy's wrath in the slightest or see any hint of disappointment on Cedric's face. It was going to make him feel guilty when deep down, Milo was sure he did the right thing. In a way, Milo was ahead of the game, enough that he honestly didn't care what people outside of the people he cared about, thought of him. And if they didn't respect him, he didn't care about them or he at least tried not to. It was all about him providing the same love and care for himself that he provided for others. However, while he didn't consider Cedric a coward for the boy's actions and lack of actions, Milo knew they were at the same level for the time being.

Cedric was worried about his parents and what others would think about him and his relationship. Even people he didn't know and didn't know him, Cedric feared their reaction. Milo didn't blame him, but he didn't live in that sense and it would be difficult to manage any kind of relationship, especially a first one. It was supposed to be their first relationship, they were young, and already they were facing more difficult elements than most adults faced in their lifetime in relationships. Milo wanted more out of life besides secrets and pain, people had torn him down for so long without even trying to, and he didn't want to stand for it anymore. 

He knew that Cedric would have support when or if the time came, no matter how his parents reacted. But Milo had to wonder would it be enough for Cedric? The boy seemed so set on the idea of having his parents' support, that they had to be a part of his life, that it made Milo wonder if the Diggory's would ever return such dedication and loyalty to their son. Would they go out of their way, stress themselves mental to want to be a part of Cedric's life or would the idea of their son being "different" destroy their image of their golden boy?

Milo had other matters to dwell on, especially as he found himself outside near the afternoon for Care of Magical Creatures class. It was so odd not to have Professor Kettleburn around anymore, Milo, unlike a great deal of staff and students in Hogwarts missed the man and his eccentricity. While Professor Kettleburn was rough around the edges personality wise, Milo knew that the man was more than passionate when it came to magical creatures. Despite losing the majority of his limbs to them, the man dedicated his entire life to learning and teaching about the creatures. Some saw it as madness settling in, but Milo didn't. 

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