Chapter Twenty-Three

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While other students were in class, Milo and Cedric remained sitting on the floor behind one of the sofas in the Hufflepuff Common Room. Milo had definitely lost track of time, wondering how long they had been sitting there as his legs began to fall asleep. But he didn't dare move from where he was holding onto Cedric. Despite everything Milo had told Cedric about giving him respect and not toying around with someone's feelings, Milo couldn't help but feel more relaxed than he had been in quite some time, resting in Cedric's arms. However, he certainly wished he could say it was under better circumstances.

He couldn't but he was so proud of Cedric of taking the next step as the boy had informed his parents, Milo didn't even know what to say to that because he hadn't expected it at all. He wasn't sure when Cedric would work up the nerve to tell his parents if ever, considering how much the boy loved his parents and never wanted to do anything that would bring them disappointment. But it seemed Cedric had finally come to realise that it wasn't just about the happiness of his parents' but his own happiness as well. If he had to hide what he truly felt throughout his life, he would probably never be happy even if his parents were. 

The problem was, Cedric obviously loved his parents, after all, he was their only son, it had been the three of them, long before Cedric started Hogwarts and met Milo. Everything had been running smoothly for them and they seemed like the perfect family, that was until Cedric started to realise how he felt. He had reached the age where plenty of teenagers would start dating and developing something beyond a crush. It just so happened that his first crush and the person he wanted to start dating was, in fact, a boy. His parents didn't see it coming but Cedric hadn't seen it coming either.

It had hit him like a train, the first time that he noticed Milo in a different light outside of friendship. Everything felt so natural around Milo, which Cedric didn't understand that if it was so wrong, why did it feel so right? Why did it feel so right to be around Milo, another boy, and have everything stop around him, just so he could give his undivided attention to him?

Cedric couldn't explain it to himself and he sure as hell couldn't explain it to his parents, but even if he could, it wouldn't have mattered. They didn't care that he had found happiness because it didn't meet up to their standards. Their standards of Cedric dating a pretty girl at Hogwarts, instead of dating a handsome boy. Their son's perfect image in their minds had been shattered as soon as they read the letter of Cedric's confession. 

He just asked for their support, that nothing else had changed about him, in fact, nothing had changed at all. Deep down, Cedric realised that his feelings were always there, they just had to surface when the time was right. He just wanted his parents to understand that and still love him as their son. He could still play quidditch, he would still have his friends, what would really change because of him liking a boy?

Apparently, it was everything. Everything changed in their eyes because of him expressing his feelings.

Cedric figured his father's reaction was going to be harsh, he witnessed how his father spoke about strangers over business that wasn't his own. How much concerned he held over the idea of two men being together, even though it didn't affect him in the slightest. Maybe Cedric had hopes that Amos would be a bit better towards him, after all, they shared plenty of happy memories together beforehand. Cedric was still his son. No, but it was so much worse than Cedric anticipated. 

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