Chapter Forty-Seven

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Christmas didn't truly feel like Christmas for Milo that year as it wasn't turning out the way he planned, of course, that seemed to be true with everything in his life. Everything that wasn't planned happened and everything he anticipated blew up in his face to the point where he was feeling discouraged once again. He had tried many times to be the perfect brother for Harry or at least, close to it, but none of that ever seemed to matter because as soon as he screwed things up, he was back at phase one. 

He wasn't so upset with Harry, mainly because he always tried to place himself in Harry's shoes, however, the problem is, Harry never tried to place himself in Milo's shoes. It was always about how Harry felt in a situation, how he was affected, how he was feeling or how he would react, but not once did he think about where Milo was coming from with the things he had to do.Why would Milo want to be the bearer of bad news? Why was it his duty to inform Harry about who the boy's godfather was at the time?

Everything seemed to just fall on Milo's shoulders, even though he was just one person in the entire equation. 

Everyone tried to cheer Milo up, sensing that something was wrong, but he wouldn't talk about it, not with Paden, or Cedric, or even his mother. He didn't want to talk about anything, he just wanted to keep to himself and hope that everything would blow over with Harry. He understood Harry was younger, but Harry wasn't a baby anymore and he had to come to his senses eventually. At least, that was what Milo was hoping for. However, a sad Milo always seemed to leave everyone concerned and among the concerned sea of faces, Remus finally decided to place his own troubles aside to spend time with his godson. 

The day before Christmas, Milo received a note from the man, early morning asking if he wanted to spend the day with him. Milo saw it as the perfect opportunity to talk to Remus about the Sirius' situation and readily agreed. For the first time, in what seemed to be days, Milo appeared excited about something. The only thing he seemed to debate was whether to leave Paden in the care of Cedric or take the bowtruckle with him. But seeing as it was terribly cold and snowing, Milo figured it was best if the bowtruckle stay behind once again. 

Cedric woke to Paden being left in his room, on the bed as the bowtruckle began chirping loudly to alert him. The boy lifted his head up, still somewhat groggy as he was waking up, only to see Paden staring him down. In the bowtruckle's long limbs rested one of Cedric's collector quidditch cards that Milo and Minerva had given to him. Almost as if he were antagonising Cedric, Paden began waving the card back and forth.

"Paden, put the card down," Cedric ordered, sitting up in his bed slowly. "Put it down nice and easy. That card is very valuable and-"

Paden leapt onto one of the other beds, still holding the card up in a playful yet taunting manner. "I'm not chasing you," he told Paden, knowing exactly what the little creature wanted. He wanted to turn it into a game but Cedric refused, that was until Paden raced out of the room and Cedric could only think of the fireplace and Paden throwing it in.

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