Chapter Forty

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Milo sunk to the floor of the Three Broomsticks, swallowing hard as the discussion of Sirius Black took place, he was beginning to resemble Elspeth in that moment as the boys' godmother really did look like she could use a good drink or a smoke to calm her nerves as she stood beside Cornelius Fudge. Remembering what the two had talked about with their idea of Sirius being innocent, he could imagine hearing everyone bad-mouthing the father of her child, not to mention the man that she was probably still in love with was probably killing her internally as she knew better not to speak out against anyone in that moment. 

The boy, on the other hand, was internally panicking for reasons beyond that as well with Harry next to him. He wished he could convince Harry to leave the Three Broomsticks, perhaps go off and do something else besides hiding behind a Christmas tree and under a table with Ron and Hermione. But it didn't seem likely in that moment as Harry's attention was solely focused on the adults that were talking. Milo was just thankful that Silas wasn't there or things would have truly gotten messy in a matter of minutes. 

"Do you know, I still have trouble believing it," Rosmerta said, her eyes flickering to Elspeth for a few seconds, causing Milo to smile briefly. Even Milo's mother seemed concerned for Elspeth's well-being at the moment as she offered the woman to sit beside her as Rosmerta continued. 

"Of all the people to go over to the Dark Side, Sirius Black was the last I'd have thought... I mean, I remember him when he was a boy at Hogwarts. If you'd told me then what he was going to become, I'd have said you'd had too much mead."

Milo remembered how crazed Sirius became in the forest when he told Milo that he couldn't believe that people who actually knew him would believe such a thing. After everything he had done during the war and for his friends, for people to believe that he would venture so low, it didn't make sense to him.

"You don't know the half of it, Rosmerta.The worst he did isn't widely known," Fudge said running his hand over his chin for a moment, looking at the woman as if she were a bit daft for her reasoning. 

"The worst? Worse than murdering all those poor people, you mean?"

He couldn't help but flinch at Rosmerta's wording and Elspeth looked as though she was going to drown herself in the nearest barrel if she could get away with it. Harry noticed Milo flinch but he didn't turn his gaze away from the scene as Fudge continued on. 

"I certainly do."

If there could have been anything Milo could have said to convince Harry to leave in that moment, he would have said it, but on the spot, Milo couldn't think of anything. 

"I can't believe that. What could possibly be worse?" Rosmerta questioned as she was running a cloth over a glass, she had been "cleaning" it for the last ten minutes or so, but it didn't even need cleaning, to begin with. 

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