Chapter Forty-Two

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Cedric became still under Milo's touch as he came to face the unfamiliar woman that definitely didn't look like she belonged on the scene of Hogwarts. He glanced around for a few seconds, noting that no one was paying her any mind as they walked along. He had never seen the woman around the grounds, not even in Hogwarts, yet Milo seemed quite familiar with her. Cedric would think that Milo would mention if he was going to have a visitor as well unless they randomly popped up like Newt Scamander did. 

"M-Milo, what's g-going on?" Cedric said in a low whisper but the boy didn't answer from behind him. Instead, the woman dressed in a long silk of white and gold motioned them to follow her as she started making her way down the corridor. "Milo, who is that?"

Milo wanted to answer him, but he wasn't sure how much he was allowed to disclose about the goddess in that moment. It was probably best if Artemis led the conversation with Cedric because Milo didn't even know where to begin. He certainly didn't expect the goddess to show herself to Cedric, especially since she claimed that Milo couldn't even share it with his brother or anyone outside of marital status. He couldn't even share it with his mother, who Milo trusted above all, but it did come down that Milo trusted Cedric just as much, enough that there was truth to his words when he claimed that he would trust his life with Cedric. 

Artemis seemed to believe him right away and now, Milo was curious to see how much she would allow Cedric to know. She led the way, although it appeared as she was lost as she turned around a couple of times in one area until the boys came to a stop behind her outside of a room that Milo didn't recognise nor did Cedric. The older boy looked around, knowing he had passed in that part of the corridor multiple times but had never seen the room there before. He had to be familiar with the castle due to his prefect duties. 

"This is amazing!" Milo exclaimed under his breath, clapping his hands together in an excited manner. Cedric went to turn to him, questioning what he was going on about, but there was no need as Milo answered the question without trying. "It's the Room of Requirement."

Rumours had circulated through the castle over the years about a room that seemingly appeared out of nowhere and it normally did so when the person was in need. From all the stories, the room seemed to vary as it would provide what the person needed based on their situation.Milo had asked his mother about the room when he was younger, but she claimed that she had never stumbled upon it, probably because she never found herself in need of it. However, she did inform the boy that it was best not to go looking for it on the seventh floor and not to tell every student in the castle as they would never go to class if they were searching for the room. 

As they entered the room, it just appeared as a rather cosy place, comparable to the Hufflepuff Common Room which was known as the most comfortable place in the entire castle. The large and soft looking sofas and armchairs. Pillows littered the floors welcoming people to sit and a nice warm fire roared to keep those that entered warm.It suddenly allowed Milo to relax as Artemis welcomed them to sit, although Cedric didn't seem keen on sitting without any explanation as to who the strange woman was. 

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